Tell The Story – The Underground Railroad


Questions: Where did I live? What kinds of work did you do? What were some of the hardest things about your life?


Answers: I lived in Kentucky for about all my life. I worked as a planter until I was 10. The hardest things were that I had to get up at sunset to sundown.



Questions: Why did you decide to flee? How did you travel? How did you find your way? How did you survive? How did you feel?


Answers: I decided to flee because I didn’t want to get beaten. I traveled by foot. I followed the North Star to Ohio. I survived by going to a couple people’s houses, and they let me sleep their. I felt really really really scared Because I might get caught.



Questions: What kinds of people did you come across? What are some of the different ways that they helped you? How did the abolitionists influence the Underground Railroad?

Answers: I met some nice and mean people. I came across a lot of black men, I thought I was going to get caught, but I didn’t. They showed me the way. Helped me escape from out of the slave states.


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