Tell The Story – The Underground Railroad


Questions: Where did I live? What kinds of work did you do? What were some of the hardest things about your life?


Answers: I lived in Kentucky for about all my life. I worked as a planter until I was 10. The hardest things were that I had to get up at sunset to sundown.



Questions: Why did you decide to flee? How did you travel? How did you find your way? How did you survive? How did you feel?


Answers: I decided to flee because I didn’t want to get beaten. I traveled by foot. I followed the North Star to Ohio. I survived by going to a couple people’s houses, and they let me sleep their. I felt really really really scared Because I might get caught.



Questions: What kinds of people did you come across? What are some of the different ways that they helped you? How did the abolitionists influence the Underground Railroad?

Answers: I met some nice and mean people. I came across a lot of black men, I thought I was going to get caught, but I didn’t. They showed me the way. Helped me escape from out of the slave states.


How Was Your Trip? An Immigrate Story

Listen to my recording to How Was Your Trip–> 

We started out on the Ellis Island last night. I was scared for one because we could die right on the ship. And number two because we might get thrown overboard, and drown right in the middle of the sea. But on the first night on the boat I got Nausea. But I got better the next morning.

We had lots of fun, we played marbles and Dominoes. We made a really big one and I really got mad at myself because I accidentally knocked over the Dominoes. It took along time to get to America

It took 100 days, sometimes I got dizziness, sometimes I felt a lot better.