REFLECTION On Market Day Pitch

List three highlights of the pitch
1. When we gave them the Pop Slushies they seem to like them
2. The deal from Mr. Tenhaken
3. And Mr. Tenhaken’s reaction

List three possible improvements
1. We could of talked slow
2. Change the color orange into a darker color (so they can see)
3. Put more in our presentation

How would you better prepare if you had to do it again?
1. Do more stuff, put more in our presentation.

What advice would you give next year’s 4th grade students?
1. Slow down
2. Make a good product

2 thoughts on “REFLECTION On Market Day Pitch

  1. Isaiah,

    You’re right…Mr. TenHaken had a great reaction. 🙂

    I like your ideas for improvement and I appreciate your thoughtful reflection.

    Keep up the good work.

    Mr. Commeret

    P.S. Any word on Slushy Buddy’s name change?

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