5th Grade Memories and future Middle School Memories

As you might know there is 6 more days till school is over. Here are some of my memories from 5th grade including when I was called on for a simple question like how many words on each lines I said 20 when i was going  to say 10. I had to chuckle a little because that was the most obvious question.

Another memories is when I was playing moon ball with all my friends I threw the ball and it got stuck in the top of the wall it was so chaotic when everyone went to find a ball and started to throw it and get it unstuck.   moon ball below




Middle School

I am looking forward to playing 9 square in middle school I’ve always liked playing 9 square with my friends.

Another thing I am looking forward is to going to Camp. I can’t wait to have fun with friends and teachers. I am also looking forward to have school in the new addition that will be done at the end of summer.


Mother’s Day

What I Like about Mom?
Her cooking because she makes the best food . And don’t forget Her patients because she lets me bike 2 hours each monday with dad. And for going to my bike races. And for doing laundry. and the dishes