The Eagle Huntress

Today after we got back from Sagutuck we watched the movie The Eagle Huntress. It was about when a 13 year old Mongolian girl wants to an eagle hunter (witch is considered a men’s sport) so she practices and then goes to an event and wins and all the older people don’t agree with her and is negative and says she is not a real hunter till she gets a fox. The next day she goes out with her father and after multiple tries finally catches a fox with her eagle

Film festival 2017

Today we watched a few short films in saugatuck at there film festival that goes around the country and this week in Michigan and we were invited go and watch as a 7th grade.

The first one was about the solar system and how people went out and made a scale model of the solar system.

The next one was about how people were looking  for wolverines in Utah, they ran back and forth to look for camera footage.

Then they were these 2 rock climbers that went to this cave and climbed to the top at age 14 and 15.