Persecution Exhibits

Our Bible class went to go see some exhibits about persecution that the eight graders have been working on. Persecution I learned is very severe in some parts of the world even today. Persecution can mean death, unemployment, and many other harsh things. Some ways that we can help today is that we can pray, donate money, or even go on a mission trip to help. Christians who are persecuted usually get caught reading their Bible, worshiping God, or praying. In 2013 the number of people being persecuted was doubled. We need to continue to pray for those in persecution.

Serve and Skate

Feb. 14, 2014 I went to Holland Public School. We were paired up with a little 4th grader. We got to know them, played games with them, got to go outside, and we even listened to a story with them. When we walked into the classroom all the kid’s faces lighted up. They were very excited to see older kids come into their classroom. The little girl that I was paired up with was so excited to have a new friend that was older than her. I’m so glad that I could go to the school and just hang out with some littler kids. I could tell that by the end of the morning I had made a little bit of a difference in this little girls life. Then we went to Pizza Hut for a bite to eat. After lunch we went to the Home Roller Rink for a few hours. It was such a fun day.

Egypt Project

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.29 AM #2


Ancient and Modern Egyptian Art is very interesting. In our exhibit we included the Three Pyramids of Giza, jewelry, amulets, and a puzzle for Ancient Egyptian Art. Also in our exhibit we included a poster about Modern Egyptian Art and a puzzle. Amulets were decorated with jewels. Amulets were used as decoration, and the people believed that they would protect them from harm. Jewelry was made out of fine metals and jewels. If someone was wearing a piece of jewelry it would show their richness, power, and authority.  The Three Pyramids of Giza are located in Cairo.  The “Great Pyramid” of Khufu is 481 ft. tall. The pyramid of Khafre is 471 ft. tall. The pyramid of Menkaure is 213 ft. tall. “Walls of Freedom” is a type of art that is done about freedom. Artist express their feelings through their art.

Ancient and Modern Egyptian Government is very interesting.  In our exhibit we included a poster about the Pharaoh, a small figure of a pharaoh, and a keynote about Modern Government. In Ancient egypt the Pharaoh owned everything. He had the most power in the land. The Pharaoh’s right hand man was called the Veizer. The Veizer would go into the town each day and watch all that was going on. At the end of the day he would return to the Pharaoh and share with him all that was happening. Mohammed Morsi and Hosani Mubarak were both very bad presidents. People rebelled against them and reevaluations were started. There are still reevaluations that are going on today in Egypt.