Darkness in Disney

“It’s a Small World” was Amy’s favorite ride at Disney. She was with her friend, Tom. They saw the line wasn’t long, so they scooted into the line and waited not long at all. In line, they met a family behind them with two kids. The parents names were Todd and Pat. The kids  looked to be twins the age of three or so. Amy was wearing her purse over her left shoulder which contained makeup, her pink wallet, sunglasses, and chapstick. Todd and Pat seemed very irritated with every little thing going on around them, including Amy and Tom, which made them kind of suspicious. Pat and Todd clearly did not want to be at the “happiest place on earth”. Todd was just the slightest bit annoyed that his wife was in an angry mood and it was clear to see. Pat told Todd that she had to go to the bathroom and she left her family. They turned to the people in front of them and introduced themselves. This couple, Jake and Katrina, clearly did not like to talk. They rolled their eyes whenever Amy would ask them a question. Jake and Katrina clearly were not satisfied with anything they had because when they got up to the front of the line, they were complaining on how they had to wait for 10 whole minutes. Jake and Katrina were walking to their boat and Amy and Tom were right beside them. Katrina bumped into Amy and then proceeded to climb into her boat. Amy and Tom climbed into the next boat, and Todd and Pat in the last. Pat made it back just in time to climb into the boat with her family. As Amy waited she went down to reach into her purse to pull out her wallet, but it was not there. She panicked and looked all in the boat, but then spotted one exactly like her’s in Katrina’s hands. She quickly told Tom what was going on, but he did not understand right away. Amy looked behind her and saw Todd and Pat giggling mischievously with their twins.  They got to the scene with England and the ride stopped. She heard a small splash behind her, but did not think to look back. The ride continued and they all got out, all three couples at once. The rather wet, Pat and Todd, ran to the next ride, but Jake and Katrina stayed to talk. The couples became friends, but not everything ended happily ever after.

Solution :

While Pat was “in the bathroom”, she broke the system and wired the ride to break down in 15 minutes. Katrina bumped into Amy on accident, knocking her wallet out for Pat to grab when she came back. Katrina just happened to have the same one. The splash in the water was Pat and Todd. She wired the system that the ride would stop for five minutes which gave them enough time to swim and grab her bag right from her left side. They ran with the purse and her wallet, but Katrina and Jake were used as a distraction to let Todd and Pat get away. They later split the prize, but found out her wallet was empty and that Tom was holding all their money.


Egypt Project

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.29 AM #2


Ancient and Modern Egyptian Art is very interesting. In our exhibit we included the Three Pyramids of Giza, jewelry, amulets, and a puzzle for Ancient Egyptian Art. Also in our exhibit we included a poster about Modern Egyptian Art and a puzzle. Amulets were decorated with jewels. Amulets were used as decoration, and the people believed that they would protect them from harm. Jewelry was made out of fine metals and jewels. If someone was wearing a piece of jewelry it would show their richness, power, and authority.  The Three Pyramids of Giza are located in Cairo.  The “Great Pyramid” of Khufu is 481 ft. tall. The pyramid of Khafre is 471 ft. tall. The pyramid of Menkaure is 213 ft. tall. “Walls of Freedom” is a type of art that is done about freedom. Artist express their feelings through their art.

Ancient and Modern Egyptian Government is very interesting.  In our exhibit we included a poster about the Pharaoh, a small figure of a pharaoh, and a keynote about Modern Government. In Ancient egypt the Pharaoh owned everything. He had the most power in the land. The Pharaoh’s right hand man was called the Veizer. The Veizer would go into the town each day and watch all that was going on. At the end of the day he would return to the Pharaoh and share with him all that was happening. Mohammed Morsi and Hosani Mubarak were both very bad presidents. People rebelled against them and reevaluations were started. There are still reevaluations that are going on today in Egypt.