African Union Day

On African Union Day we had a debate about what should be done on the conflict in Burundi. We partnered with other countries and we created a resolution then shared then with the “union”. We then partnered with other countries we knew wanted the same thing as our country did, and we created a new resolution. We then shared our new ones and then we had a chance to have an informal debate and critique others resolutions. We then voted on which one we think is the best and the debate was over.

I liked learning about how the AU works and how their debates “work”. I liked learning how other countries may think differently and the room gets pretty heated at times, but at sometime or another we would have to come together and compromise our ideas which takes awhile.

I liked that the debate was very organized in how it would all play out and who would be involved in what. I wish that we would have had a little bit more time to debate on our final resolutions. I felt as if we were a little rushed at the end and how we had to quickly make our decisions.

Invictus (Nelson Mandela) Response

The relationship between Pinaar and Mandela grew from the beginning of the movie to the end. At the beginning of the movie, Pinaar’s family didn’t like Mandela and they set an influence on him. Mandela created a relationship with Pinaar. Pinaar having a relationship with Mandela sort of set an example for the rest of his team, that they could interact with the different races. By the end of the movie, Pinaar and Mandela had a strong relationship that created an even larger relationship for the whole country.

This relationship represented South Africa because two races came together and helped to create a relationship just like their’s for their whole country. At the end of the movie it shows Pinaar and Chester holding the trophy together. There was still hate, but South Africa definitely came together because of the relationships within a sports team.