Amazon Land Use

I believe that the people who use the land the best are the Settlers. The Settlers use the land for farming and feeding people in their family and earning money by selling it. The way the Settlers use the land is useful because we are providing goods for others. One thing I don’t agree with though that the Settlers cut down trees to create farmland. Other groups make money by selling wood, but not every kid will need wood so therefore it is not useful for everyone. Everyone needs food period. This why I think the Settlers use the land the best.

I disagree with some of the ways other groups are using the land. The Loggers, they cut down trees for others and they sell wood. Well, not everyone needs wood and they are the ones destroying the forest. They cut down trees to create open areas for the Cattle Ranchers and Settlers, so it’s not totally all their fault. The Environmentalist, they want to slow down the growth of the forest so that they can have more time to study their plants and animals. If they want to save the rainforest so bad how about trying to expand the forest instead of keep it the same. These are some of the reasons why I don’t think the other groups use this land the best.

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