Theme Writing

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
Matthew 7:24-25


At the end of our 7th grade year, we went to camp and decided the theme that our whole school would focus on for 2015-2016. Our theme to focus on this year is “Built on the Rock”, and this is a theme that means a lot to me as a student in 8th grade, but also in my spiritual life in this world.

This theme reminds me to build my trust on God, but also be a leader and help others discover that to. “Built on the Rock” is especially meaningful to our new addition. Last year each kid in the school threw a rock in the foundation of the new addition, so technically speaking, we are “Built on the Rock”. Our school has gone through a lot, but we are still standing strong because our focus in this school is God. Since I am on the Planning Team and since I am a Small Group leader, my goal this year is to help not only myself, but kids work on the goal of putting their trust in God. I may have troubles at school and others might as well, but we will not fall because we are “Built on the Rock”.

The same theme also reminds me to always rely on God anywhere I go. I have/are going through some really rough times right now, but I know that I won’t be shaken if I put my complete trust in the God who made me. Sometimes it is easy for me to be selfish and come up with my own plan for my own life, but my goal this year is to let God take complete control of my life and trust Him for whatever he has in store for me. Putting your full trust in God I believe is a very large step in any faith journey, and I believe it takes time. God has worked in my heart and I know that I am well on my way.

Our theme to focus on this year is “Built on the Rock”, and this is a theme that means a lot to me as a student in 8th grade, but also in my spiritual life in this world. I believe that God will surely fix all of our hearts on putting our full trust in Him. We will not be shaken one bit because we are “Built on the Rock”.

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