Sulfur Cycle

I was in charge of the Sulfur Cycle and I will now explain how it works. The first step in the cycle is when Sulfur is released into the air from earthly eruptions. That could be earthquakes, decomposition, hot springs, etc. The next thing that happens is when sulfur dioxides mix with oxygen in the air and it creates Sulfur trioxide. The next thing that happens is when Sulfur trioxides mix with water droplets and can create sulfuric acid. Another thing that can happen is that sulfur trioxides mix with ammonia and create ammonium salts. The next thing that happens is when the wind carries the droplets to the clouds and they fall to the earth in forms of precipitation. It expands in to the earth surface and helps all living things grow. Plants absorb it and the animals eat it and they both gain the sulfur they need. When plants or animals die, poop, or shrivel up that is called decomposition. The gases mix the make gaseous hydrogen sulfide and some of it expands into the earth to start the cycle over.sulfur-cycle-8-638

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