Math Project

We were told to use the Pythagorean Theorem and to make a real life situation. This is what we came up with. It is not an everyday that you come across this situation, but that is where our creativity came in. It was fun and interactive and will help me in the future.

Photo on 1-8-16 at 8.14 AM

Convection Currents Lab

Our science experiment worked and it looked really cool. We had to wait a few minutes, but once it started it moved a little faster. Faster meaning still slow. The hot water moved to the outside of the beaker and then it went to the top. It kept doing that, or at least some parts did. It was cool to see this because I have never really take the time to notice it before.

Sulfur Cycle

I was in charge of the Sulfur Cycle and I will now explain how it works. The first step in the cycle is when Sulfur is released into the air from earthly eruptions. That could be earthquakes, decomposition, hot springs, etc. The next thing that happens is when sulfur dioxides mix with oxygen in the air and it creates Sulfur trioxide. The next thing that happens is when Sulfur trioxides mix with water droplets and can create sulfuric acid. Another thing that can happen is that sulfur trioxides mix with ammonia and create ammonium salts. The next thing that happens is when the wind carries the droplets to the clouds and they fall to the earth in forms of precipitation. It expands in to the earth surface and helps all living things grow. Plants absorb it and the animals eat it and they both gain the sulfur they need. When plants or animals die, poop, or shrivel up that is called decomposition. The gases mix the make gaseous hydrogen sulfide and some of it expands into the earth to start the cycle over.sulfur-cycle-8-638

Summer 2015

This summer I did a lot of traveling. In June I went to Gatlinburg, TN. We went hiking in the Great Smoking Mountains for a week. Then we traveled down to Atlanta and we went to a MLB game, the Coke Factory, and the Georgia Aquarium. In July we went camping for two weeks out at Holland State Park with our grandparents. In August we went camping up to Mackinac with some of our close friends. I went many more places and I did many more things, but these are my three favorite things.