Math Project

We were told to use the Pythagorean Theorem and to make a real life situation. This is what we came up with. It is not an everyday that you come across this situation, but that is where our creativity came in. It was fun and interactive and will help me in the future.

Photo on 1-8-16 at 8.14 AM

Probability Carnival Games

Over the past two weeks we have created carnival games that are based on probability. My group created a cup game called Ping Pong Peek-a-boo. You have 1/3 chance of probability to win a prize. In our game we have six cups (six chances) and only two balls put into two of the cups (1/3 chance of winning). We also played Yahtzee which was probably the hardest part to understand, but there were also so many probabilities within the game that made it confusing.

I have learned that probabilities are put into fractions that we later have to multiply. I also learned that we need to consider all the possibilities there are in the game. We need to figure out all the probabilities in one problem otherwise your results will probably be inaccurate.

I personally think this is a better way of doing math because we could go at our own pace, but yet we are able to relate it to real life situations. In iMath, we just do problems, but we don’t connect it to the real world which makes it harder to understand.


Photo on 3-20-15 at 11.22 AM

Lesson 3-1

Lately I have been doing a lot of adding and subtracting decimals. I always get messed up with adding numbers to 0, or adding 0 to numbers. I now know that if you add 0 to anything the number stays the same, and if you add a number to 0 then it becomes the number you are adding. Sometimes when you are adding decimals you need to stick an extra 0 in the equation to fill a spot. Now I fully understand what I need to do when I am adding or subtracting decimals.

On page 102, #15

10.022 + 0.11 = x

In this case the numbers don’t match up perfectly so you need to add an extra 0 on the number 0.11   (0.110)

10.022 + 0.110 =  10.132

Real life situation:

I went to the store and I had $20. I wanted 3 candy bars. Each candy bar costed $1.57. If I bought 3 candy bars with $20, how much money would I have left?

20.00 – 4.71 = 15.29

Hot Diggity Dog

We were assigned a project in math. We were told we needed to design a restaurant for Mr.Jongekrigj. We went to Sam’s Club to find the volume of hotdogs , hotdog buns , relish , mustard , and ketchup . We needed to design the restaurant floor and the kitchen. Next we needed to find the volume of all the food and kitchen stuff. Our group was quite wild , but once we got on task we worked quite well. The two boys drew our logo and made our restaurant name while the two girls worked on the restaurant designing. Some stuff that we struggled with was communicating while we were working in separate groups. Our presentation went really well , but the good thing was all the 5th graders got hotdogs and chips out of all the work we did.