Newsletter March 12-16

Information and Reminders
March is the Reading Month Activities
-March 23: Camping day- wear your camping gear and bring a flashlight to read

Critter Barn: Wednesday, April 18 9:00am-3:15pm Please pack a sack lunch, drink and snack for your child. We will go to the Critter Barn right in the morning, have lunch there, and stay a little longer after lunch. Then we will go to Lawrence Park to play and eat snack to end the day. We will be back to school at 3:15 for bus and pick up. Thanks to Paul Pyle, Kristi Van Dyk and Abby Allen for driving the field trip. Drivers, please bring a cooler to put the kids’ lunch in(each of you will take about 3-4 kids’ lunch) and bring all the boosters you have. Thanks!

April Birthday Celebration:
Ethan Shafer Tuesday, April 10

Farmer’s Market and Kollen Park: Wednesday, May 30 9:00am-12:45pm This is our last field trip. Each kid needs to bring their own sack lunch and drink. We will begin the day following a map of Holland Farmer’s Market and helping the children decide what to buy. We will go to Kollen Park to have lunch and play after the market. We will be back to school around 12:45. Thank you to Meredith Geurink, Cara Wickstra, Dana Moeller and Abby Allen for driving the field trip. Drivers, please bring a cooler to put the kids’ lunch in and bring all the boosters you have. Thanks!


Language Arts
Reading Strategies: If you do not a work, skip it and read to the end. Come back and reread the sentence again.

Writers’ Workshop:
We will start a new unit called Small Moments, it helps students to develop basic narrative writing skills. For next week, we will read some mentor texts and previous students’ work of small moments.

We will make a teen number book and learning about teen numbers are one ten plus ones.

Next week we will distinguish living and non-living things.

We will learn about Jesus’ miracles: Walking on water and raising Lazarus

We will learn about the fruits of the sprit throughout the year. For the month of March, we will learn about the fruit of goodness and faithfulness.

Social Studies
We will focus on science for the next couple months.

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