Jesus’ Crucifixion

When Jesus was crucified he said 7 statements. Here is the main them of each of them: Empathize with humanity, trust the Sovereign God, exercise obedience to the will of the father, have compassion on people; care for the needs of this life, persevere to the completion of the goal set before us, offer hope to the hopeless, and desire that forgiveness be granted. We put ways we could show these in real life on the posters around the room. It was interesting to learn more about Jesus’ last words and what they meant.

Math Word Problem-Pythagorean Theorem

If a helicopter flies north 12 miles, then turns east and flies 6 miles, how many miles would it be to fly back to it’s starting point? The shape is a triangle.

Equation: Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.48.54 AM


So for this question, the equation would be 12Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.56.05 AM+ 6Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.56.05 AM= cScreen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.56.05 AM

12 squared is 144 and 6 squared is 36.

So the updated equation would be: 144+36= cScreen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.56.05 AM

When you add the two together it is 180. So now, you have to find the square root of 180.

180=cScreen Shot 2014-11-03 at 8.56.05 AM

The closest you can get to the answer would be:


…because 13.42 x 13.42= 180.0964


Math 1-1, Rational Numbers

In the first lesson, I learned about how to simplify fractions and turn them into decimals. To turn a fraction into a decimal, you have to divide the top number by the bottom number and then you have the answer. You can either do long division or on a calculator. To simplify a fraction you have to divide the numerator and the denominator by the same number, and if you can’t, then it is as simplified as it can be, and if you can, you keep dividing it until you have the lowest it can get. urlurl-1

Outsiders Essay

I enjoyed the book a lot. It was so interesting and made you want to never stop reading. The author was really descriptive, yet she kept your attention with all the action in the story. I liked how the theme was different than most book themes. I enjoyed the way she made you have to think to be able to figure out the theme. Also, how you would have to find the meaning about the poem by Robert Frost, to actually begin to understand the theme. I thought it was cool she made the theme more complex than most books.

In the movie, they had some parts like the book. The first main part started out at the movie theater and when Dally was bothering Cherry and Marcia. They played this scene very realistic. It was mostly how I imagined it in the book. Another part that was spot on was the actors personalities. They resembled and acted like the characters a lot. I think that is what made the movie so good. Lastly, I think Ponyboy’s actor did a great job of playing his part. He acted like he did in the book, and was quiet, yet talkative at times. I am glad the actors and the movie stayed faithful to the book in some parts.

Though the movie stayed like the book sometimes, they had some scenes that were totally different. For one, the book starts out when Ponyboy was jumped. They completely missed that scene in the beginning! Another way that they strayed from the book was that Two-Bit liked Mickey Mouse in the movie and I never remember him saying anything about it in the book. Finally, when they showed the lot in the movie, somehow they had a fire going. The book never said anything about a fire and it talked about how they were really cold. As you can see in these examples, the movie has a few extra and different additions than the book.

I do not agree with the choices the director. I don’t like how most of the movie was different and how some important scenes were missing. Also, I think the movie went way too fast. I think they should spread things apart, and keep things interesting. Most of all, I didn’t like how the director chose to show things because people who haven’t read the book wouldn’t really understand some of the parts of the movie because things aren’t explained well. For example, I wouldn’t have understood the part about Dally getting shot if I hadn’t read the book. Also I think the acting could have been more realistic with the fake fighting. I don’t agree with the director’s choices.

The book was one of the best books I’ve read, very interesting and kept you wanting to keep reading. It was very realistic, made you think, and had deep thinking in some parts. I really enjoyed the book a lot.

Animal Cell Model

Photo on 5-19-14 at 9.05 AM #3


My group made a model of an animal cell. These are the different parts in it:

Peppermint- Mitochondria

Orange peppers- Golgi and Smooth E.R.

Red and small orange Pepper- Vacuole

Dark Reese’s puffs- Lysosomes

Light Reese’s puffs- Peroxisomes

Yellow pepper- Rough E.R.

Apple- Nucleolus, and nucleus

pepper seeds- secretory vessels

Crushed candy cane- centrosome

Graham crackers- Cytosol 

spaghetti(not in the photo)-micro and intermediate filaments

Lord’s Prayer

Hallowed be thy Name.

This is the most important line in the Lord’s Prayer to me because we don’t always realize how holy God is. We don’t always honor his name either. The other lines in the prayer are important, but I think it is more important to honor God. I need to focus on keeping God holy.

Africa Entry Event

Thursday: On Thursday we did an activity about the Faces of Africa.

Friday: On Friday we did an activity of the different facts about Africa.


On Thursday Mr. Minkus had a slideshow of 22 different faces. He told us that we had to guess by the look of their faces if they were born in Africa  or not. I thought that it was hard to do this because Africa is huge, and their are many different colors of skin there. Also, not everyone who looks African was born there. There is a Dutch area in South Africa, so a lady had white skin, but was born in Africa. I learned from this that you cannot tell where someone was born just from their race. We did another activity by having to write down what we thought of when we heard the word Africa. Mr. Minkus put all the words together and we got to see which one comes up the most. Some of the words were, people, Africa, adoption, poor, food, and water. It was cool to see what everyone in the class thought of Africa.


On Friday we all got a card from a deck. Mr. Lowe would say for example, all cards from 1-8 stand. Then he would say a fact like, the people standing are the ones without access to water and the people sitting have access to water. This made me realize that there is a lot of stuff we don’t know about Africa. We need to find out more about the rest of the world and not just know about our comfort zone.