Why is it important that we study Christian Persecution?

I think it is important for us to know what’s happening because we need to know what people are going through. We also can help them and try to stop what’s happening around the world if we know. It’s good for us to know what people are going through so we can pray for them and help them. We can build a stronger church by doing something about persecution. Whether that’s praying, actually going there to help them, pray with them, and spread the word, or making a donation of money or supplies.

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

The Early Church shared stuff with one another but the Ideal Church was more selfish. They Early church was in community with one another and they loved to go to Church, but the Ideal Church is apart and not living in community.

Our Ideal Church is much different than the Early church. We are much more needy and selfish in the Ideal church but the Early Church shared everything and was all together in one room.