angela's answers

Just another Zeeland Christian School Sites site

Code Project


We made a website for computer class about a bible verse. With our website we would make a devotion about our bible verse. Then we would make a bible verse with it. It was very fun to do.

The alien


One day my friend came into her backyard and saw and alien and his space ship. Suddenly the alien started to walk to her and she was terrified! Then a strange thing happened to her, the alien STARTED TO TALK TO HER! The alien said, “I am an alien and I like ice cream, I come from a planet and left to see what earth is like, can you tell me what it is like here?” So she started to explain to the alien that she went to a school that was made out of brick and that she sat at a black table and sat in a blue chair in the classroom at her school. She also said that she had a library at her school and also a gym where she liked to play different sports. She said that her school had lot and lots of classrooms and there where different classes where they would learn different languages. She said that her school had a playground that was very fun to play on during their two recesses. She said that she had an art class and that it is very fun to do.


Snow days


On snow days I like to go outside and play in the snow because it is really fun to do. After I go outside I like to make hot chocolate. I also like to draw. I like to also, watch movies. Playing outside can be really fun because you can make lots of different thing like snowmen, snow angels, and lots of other things. It is a fun thing to do.


North Carolina


I am going to the new world and I would like to travel to North Carolinas Colony. There will be, pitch, lumer and tar. There will be indentured servants there not slaves. I think it would be good place to live and own my own land.


My favorite thing about fall


My favorite thing in the fall is, that there is halloween and you can get a lot of different types of candies. I like Thanksgiving, because you get to eat turkey. I also like that the leaves turn yellow, red, orange, and purple on the trees. I like that when the leaves fall off the trees so you can rake them up and jump into them. I like to jump into the leaves a lot of times. But then you have to rake them back up again. Sometimes the leaves are wet. Sometimes I like to draw the trees.




I learned in science that there are seasons because of the inclination of the earth facing the sun. I learned that the asteroids are made out of metal and iron. So if you picked up a small one it would be very heavy. I learned that the asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter. Some dwarf planets are in the asteroid belt. And, when you look up at the sky at night you can see a lot of different constellations. And that sometimes you can see jupiter in space on some nights. Some of the planets are either made out of rock or made out of gas.



Three things that are interesting to me are:

That the tides are caused by the mass of the moon, like when it is the hie tide, its because the water wants to go to the mass. When it is the low tide, that is because there is no moon, so the water cant go anywhere. The neap tide does not move very much because the sun is  at the side and the moon can be above the earth or below the earth. The Spring tide is very active because the sun and the moon are in a strait line and that has a lot of mass.

Another thing that is interesting to me is the dwarf planets, some of the dwarf planets are, Pluto, Eris, and Ceres. Charon is a satelite of Pluto. The dwarf planets are smaller than normal planets.

The other thing is the ring of asteroids, it is between jupiter and mars.

The explorer


Dear Queen of Spain,

I would like to invite you to come to a wonderful presentation where I will talk about a wonderful explorer from your country. Our explorer is called Juan Ponce de Leon he has plenty of things that he found and discovered, I am sure that your majesty would like my presentation of course, we will tell you all the information in the presentation that we know. I hope you will come and will not miss this special occasion and special presentation that I have prepared for you. I am also inviting you to come and sail with me to experience what sailing is like. Maybe you will like sailing with me, there are some other people that are going to help and help present. My plans are to go to the new world and you could come with me to go there. It will be a nice sail for your majesty. I will know a lot about the explorer from your country, he is very special and is a good person, If you have not sailed before, now would be a time for you to try it. I will be happy to see you, your majesty if you will come for your wonderful sailing trip to the new world and presentation of the wonderful explorer, Juan Ponce de Leon. This is a great possibility for you to come and enjoy this little vacation. I am sure you will love this, I hope you can come.



When you are looking for a good website you can go to the website and go to the links to see if its a good site. You could see what domain it had so that you could see if its a good website. You could check the date that it was made on. You could go to the website called who is  to check your website.  You could check its past to make sure its real or fake.

¿Por qué podemos pensar en los decimales como divisiones iguales de un número entero?


Porque si tienes 2/1O, puedes escribirlo como un número decimal, esto sería O.2 porque el 2 está en el lugar para los décimos. Esto puede ser usado como monedas porque 1O puede ser un “Dime”. Entonces 2/1O sería 2 “Dimes”. hay centésimos, esto sería 56/1OO. Esto puede ser escrito a O.56. Hay milésimos y esto puede ser 32/1,OOO. Sería escrito como O.O32. Los unidades son los enteros entonces serían los dólares.

My three favorite books


The Castle in the attic is about a boy and this lady that lives with him and his family. And the lady was going to go visit her brother in England but the boy did not want her to leave. She gave him her old castle and there was a silver knight and it was tin but when he held the Knight it became a real person. He told the boy about a wizard that took his kingdom and the silver knight had fought the wizard and took a coin necklace off of his neck and that coin made things small. The boy shrank the lady and then he went with the silver knight to get the coin that made you bigger. So they got the coin and made the boy and the lady bigger and the lady left for England and the knight got his kingdom back.

Tuesdays at the castle is about a princess Celie, a princess Lilah, and a prince Rolf. Their parents, (king and queen) needed to get there son and bring him back from wizard college and when they left they get attacked and are “Dead”. But there not because they are just trying to hide. So people went to look for the king and queen and there are these to men that tried to take over and almost kills princess Celie but the castle loves her and saved her when she fell and her stuffed animal grows into a griffin and took the man and eats it.

Voyage of the dawn treader is about a girl named lucy, a boy named Edmund and a another boy thats Lucy and Edmunds cousin and there is a painting on the wall and all three of them got into the painting and they went to 7 different places and they finally reach the end of the earth which is aslan’s land and aslan is a lion that always saves them. And is like the “King” of narnia (the land he always went to because that where Lucy and Edmund would be at)

About the Civil War


I learned that the soldiers would carry about 2O pounds of weight. They had to carry that for 2O miles. The soldiers would sleep in a very small tent. Two soldiers were in a tent. They would both carry some of the tent. Their shoes had no right foot or left foot so they would switch the shoes around sometimes. The children had a toy that was a bird and if it had water in it, it sounded like a bird. The woman would always carry yarn and knitting needles because they had to make socks so that in the winter their feet would be warm. they would also carry the key to their spice cabinet if they had one because spices were hard to get. Abraham Lincoln only went to school for one year. Somebody said that he would be good at being president but he did not know anything about being president, so Abraham lincoln read books about the law and he became president. There was a lady and she always wanted to live in the white house. So she saw that Abraham Lincoln was fair so she married him.



6 7/8-2 5/8=4 2/8 porque 6 enteros menos 2 enteros es igual a 4. Ahora restas 7/8 menos 5/8 es igual a 2/8, entonces es 4 2/8.

3 1/8 es un numero mixto. 3 1/8 es igual a 25/8. Lo que haces es 3×8 que es igual a 24 y sumas 1 que es igual a 25/8.

Alejandro está haciendo pasteles. Necesita 3 3/4 tazas de harina, pero sólo tiene 1 1/4 ¿Cuánta harina le debe pedir prestada al vecino?
3 3/4-1 1/4 que es igual a 2 1/4.

Shout Silently


Shout Silently means that your actions are talking. Your actions say more than your voice. Your actions speak without speaking.

Psalm 19:3-4
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.

Mi ensayo literario


Ensayo Literario: Siempre debes Contar la Verdad
¿Has pensado que decir la verdad es importante? Según Gary Soto, no debes mentir. En este ensayo literario, yo voy a hablar de un cuento de un libro que se llama “Blues sin guitarra”. El cuento se llama “Blues sin guitarra”. El cuento es sobre un niño que se llama Fausto y quiere una guitarra pero no tiene el dinero para comprar uno entonces encuentra un perro y miente para tener una recompensa. Entonces siempre debes contar la verdad porque debes contar lo realmente pasó, que mentir puedes hacerte sentir culpable y que si recibes un recompensa por mentir, debes darlo otra vez a la persona que te dio la recompensa.
En el cuento “Blues sin guitarra”, Gary Soto cree que dices que pasa porque cuando haces una mentira para ganar una recompensa, lo que debes hacer es dar la recompensa a la persona que lo dio a ti todavía si no lo aceptan, y decir a la persona que realmente pasó. También debes ir a confesar que pasó a Dios para que Dios te perdone por tu pecado. Tu puedes hacer esto cada vez que tu mientes y tienes una recompensa porque no es bueno para hacer y también porque no es algo que Dios quiere que tu haces. Un ejemplo de la historia es cuando Fausto dijo, -”¡Caray! No debí mentir”.
En el cuento “Blues sin guitarra” Gary Soto cree que sentir culpable es bueno porque esto te hace saber que tu has hecho algo malo o algo que no debes hacer como mentir. En la biblia cuando David necesitaba ir en batalla, decidió quedar en su palacio. Cuando él estaba en su palacio,vio a la esposa de Urías que se llama Betsabé. David puso a Urías enfrente de la guerra para que lo matarían para que podría casarse con Betsabé. David se sintió culpable y preguntó a Dios para perdonar le a él. Entonces en la historia cuando Fausto fue a la iglesia para confesar a Dios porque hizo un pecado. Entonces dio el dinero a los miembros de la iglesia. El libro dice, cuando el padre Jerry empezó diciendo que todos somos pecadores, pensó que lo miraba directamente a él. ¿Podía saberlo? Fausto se agitó nerviosamente.
En el cuento “Blues sin guitarra”, Gary Soto cree que si mientes debes dar la recompensa a la persona otra vez porque no debes recibir un recompensa por mentir entonces debes dar la recompensa otra vez a la persona si no lo quieren otra vez. En la biblia puedes leer la historia de que cuando Judas habia entregado a Jesus por 30 monedas de oro, y él no debe de haber entregado a Jesus por 30 monedas de oro. Entonces, Judas recibió una recompensa por haber entregado a Jesús. Entonces en la historia, Fausto dijo que había encontrado a Roger, (El nombre del perro que encontró) en la calle y lo llevó a la casa que Roger pertenece en. Entonces Fausto recibió una recompensa que fue un billete de $20 de las personas que tienen a Roger. Fausto dice en el libro, -No puedo aceptarlo. Tienes que hacerlo. Lo mereces,créeme lo -dijo el hombre. -No.
Entonces en el cuento, el autor Gary Soto quiere que tu Siempre debes contar la Verdad porque debes contar lo realmente pasó, que mentir puedes hacerte sentir culpable y que si recibes un recompensa por mentir, debes darlo otra vez a la persona que te dio la recompensa.
Sugiero que siempre debes contar la verdad. Entonces cuando mientes para una recompensa, piensa antes que hables para no crear problemas.

Market day prediction


What are you most excited about for Market Day?
Selling and buying products, making people happy.

What are the strengths of you group? How will that help today?
My group is calm and that will help us to not be overexcited.

What are you most nervous about for Market Day? Why are you nervous about it? Not selling all our products because then we might not have enough money after market day.

Do you think you will sell all of your product? Why or why not? I think that my group will sell all of our products because they have candy and a lot of people like candy.

What will you do if your group isn’t selling anything? If my group is not selling products I will still try to get people to come to our table and hope that people will come to our table.

How will remain positive even if things are not going as planned?I will stay positive even if my group is not selling products, so then I will say good job to the other groups. If I sell all my products right away I will be calm and not bother other groups.My prediction is that market day goes well and that my products get sold out.

¿Como demostró David su fidelidad a Dios?


David demostró su fidelidad a Dios cuando David estaba hablando y dijo que Dios va a ayudarme en pelear en la batalla. También David demostró su fidelidad porque estaba seguro que Dios iba a ayudarle en la batalla. También yo creo que David demostró fidelidad a Dios porque él estaba hablando y dijo que yo he rescatado a mi oveja de un oso y un león.

¿En qué área de mi propia vida quiero demostrar mi fidelidad a Dios y mi confianza en él?
Yo puedo confiar en Dios cuando hay momentos que son difíciles.

Reflexión del lanzamiento


Antes que la presentación yo empecé a sentir muy asustada pero después de como un minuto yo sentí mejor. Fue muy bien en nuestra presentación. Yo estaba muy feliz de mi grupo. Todas las personas querían a darnos dinero. No hablamos muy alto pero podrían ver nuestra presentación en la pantalla y leerla. Las personas estaban delante de nosotros mirando a la pantalla. Primero yo no quería hacer la presentación, en el medio yo sentí bien con la presentación, al final estaba alegre porque vamos a tener el dinero necesario para comprar los materiales. Yo creo que yo fue muy preparada para la presentación porque teníamos información de porque sería un buen producto para hacer. Si yo podría hacer la presentación otra vez yo haría un prototipo para cada uno de los inversores. Yo diría a otros grupos que deberían llevar un prototipo para cada uno de los inversores.

¿Cómo se parece un lanzamiento a un ensayo?


Un lanzamiento es parecido a un ensayo porque tienes diapositivas que pueden ser tus razones y quizas tu Tesis es un razón que encluye todo de lo que estás hablando de. En los ensayos hay razones y Tesis. También en un lanzamiento hay un introducción y conclusión. Hay un introducción y conclusión en un ensayo.

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Photo on 2014-04-24 at 09.48

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