Theme Writing

Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

I think this verse is a really good one for this year because its about a firm foundation that is built and this year we have the new addition. I am excited to see what this verse does to our grade and school this year. “Built On the Rock,” means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a christian in the world.

Since I am on the worship team, I should be a good example and leader to everyone else who is watching. I should also be a good example in the halls and say and act like I am a follower of God and I am doing everything for him and not myself. By doing this, people will watch our example and do the same. What I take from this verse is that if you are wise and put God’s words into action, you will have a “Firm Foundation.”

Being an example of God is really hard in the world. When I hear stories of people talking to non believers about christ I think it would be easy but when ur really in that situation, you need to find the right words to say to them. How I can be a good example in the world is when I see someone hurting or suffering. When someone’s having a rough day you can pray for them. A girl preached at our church the other day and she told us a story. She was on a plane and someone was having a panic attach. She immediately asked to pray for that girl to help her calm down. She started praying and in a little bit the panic attack passed. She had faith in God that he would calm this girl from her panic attach.

“Built On the Rock,” means a lot to me as both an 8th grader at ZCS and as a christian in the world. Having Faith in God is really important to have when you are a leader in your school and in the world. It will help me with a lot of things in life especially when it comes to responsibility. I need to give God all of my problems and questions and when I do so and listen to his answer, I will have a “Firm Foundation.”

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