Africa Entry Event

I thought it was crazy how developed South Africa was, how people from many countries live there, I thought just African American’s lived there, apparently a lot of people from different cultures live there also. And how many people in this one country all had cell phones basically. And the country right next to it had very little people who had phones. I also thought it was crazy that not many countries in Africa have that much wild life, like how I usually picture Africa is packed with different animals and you’d walk down the road and then see a lion, but only a couple countries have many animals. I thought it was also insane how many different languages they say there! That would be insane to keep track of them all hearing about them.

I had no idea how tough the lives of people in Africa, and how easy some are there. How far they have to walk to get water everyday, and how many people didn’t know how to read was crazy. Thats a pretty important thing to learn to do in life, and they manage to live with not knowing. I thought everyone in Africa wore very skimpy, not very nice clothing. But I’ve seen pictures of people that have clothes just like our here.

I would like to learn more about the people’s everyday life in Africa, what daily life look like for them. I would also like to learn about the social issues there, about the terrorism there, what that looks like for them and how big of a problem it is, and what kind of things do they do. I would also like to learn about the different races that live there and the different languages they all speak. Hear how they deal with learning them and how they communicate with each other. How they run government with all those different languages they probably have to learn. I think it was awesome to also learn about what they eat there, what they usually eat every day.

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