September 26-September 30


Library books are due back by Thursday each week. If you forget to bring one back your child will be unable to check a new one out.

Please remember to check in at the office whenever you need to enter school. This is includes the beginning of the day. This is a reminder from the head of school as it is an important safety precaution!

Check the email for more information concerning parent teacher conferences on October 13th and 17th! I am looking forward to meeting with you all!

October 7-half day of school-teacher professional development.

Remember to return washed towels to school on Monday!

What we are learning:

In Bible this week we read and discussed the story of Adam and Eve and the original sin. We talked about the fact that God’s plan was not for them to leave the garden of Eden and that because sin entered the world God would now have to send his only Son Jesus to pay for our sins.  We then read the story about Noah and we learned what the rainbow signifies; it is a reminder that God always keeps his promises. We then painted a rainbow to uncover who God keeps his promises to-each and everyone of us!!


In phonics this week we continued to listen to the ending sounds of words and decipher whether they were rhyming words or not. We played a game with thumbs up and thumbs down cards as well as an I spy paper!

In writing we continued to tell stories about ourselves with this 3 important elements. 1. They were true. 2. We were in them 3. They already happened. We then put our stories on paper in the form of drawing!

We finished unit one in math this week and did some assessing with Mrs. Arnold. We practiced some fun graphing as well.  Next week we will begin unit two!

We are finishing up our alphabet review! This week we reviewed the sounds and formations for Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, and Yy. We have just Zz to work on next week before we begin working on our word wall words!

In Daily 5 we are continuing to build our read to self stamina, remembering that reading a book can be done by reading the words, reading the pictures or retelling the story. We made it to 7 minutes this week. Our goal is between 12 to 15 minutes!

This week we also put some fun prints on paper that you will be able to see in our hallway when you come for parent teacher conferences!



September 19-September 23


Library books are due back by Thursday each week. If you forget to bring one back your child will be unable to check a new one out.

Please remember to check in at the office whenever you need to enter school. This is includes the beginning of the day. This is a reminder from the head of school as it is an important safety precaution!

Picture Day-September 27- Please send in order form on the 27th even if you are not ordering. *please keep in mind this is the time to order a yearbook.

What we are learning:

In Bible this week we finished our unit on creation. We were able to go outside from one of Bible times and sit in God’s creation and observe all the amazing things He created. We also realized that God’s creation brings us so much joy inside!

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In phonics this week we continued investigating our names. We cut the letters of our names out and pasted them together as well as lots of practice tracing. We worked on noticing tall and short letters as well as curvy and straight. We also began working on rhyming. We noticed the middle and ending sounds are the same in rhyming words. We then made a fun class book with rhymes.


This week we began a new focus on phonemic awareness. You can read more about our curriculum in the email attachment I sent Friday.

In Math this week we continued to work on one to one correspondence and using 5 frames and counting mats as we count. We are also comparing groups of collections and determining if there is more, less or the same. Finally, we are working on showing numbers 6-10 on our fingers.

We are continuing to build stamina for our Daily 5 practice of read to self. We are up to 4 minutes and doing well!

We are in the beginning stages of writing as we are practicing telling true stories of things that have happened to us and next week we will begin drawing them!

Finally we ended our week with kindergarten-5th grade worship in the media center. It was a great ending to a great week!


September 12-16


Library books are due back by Thursday each week. If you forget to bring one back your child will be unable to check a new one out.

Just a reminder that water and milk are the only drinks we may have at school. This is a school rule as Mr, Bryce doesn’t love to clean up all the messes;)

Please remember to check in at the office whenever you need to enter school. This is includes the beginning of the day. This is a reminder from the head of school as it is an important safety precaution!

School pictures- Tuesday September 27th.

What we are learning:

This week in Bible we started the days of creation. We have learned how amazing our God is and how He is the only One with the power to create! This carried into our social studies unit on maps as well. This week we read a book called Me on the Map. We learned how much maps can show. We talked about maps of our rooms, to our homes, to our streets, to our cities, to our state, to our country, to our big, wide world! We went down to see the map of the world near the office and asked lots of questions and ended our discussion with the very special place in this world Jesus has for each one of us!!!

In Math this week we used classroom supplies to figure out if we had too many, not enough or just the right amount. This led us into simple addition and subtraction concepts. We also made a book in which we drew pictures of groups of things. We are working on locating small groups without even having to count them! We continue to do math centers as well with geo blocks, pattern blocks, picture books and cubes.

This week we continued to review letter formation and sounds. This week we did Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn and Oo.

In phonics we worked in centers to explore letters and sort them as well. We looked at size as well as straight and curvy features. We are also working on a “book of friends”. This is something we will continue for the next month or so. It is great practicing recognizing our friends’ names and then writing them as well!

September 6-9


Library books are due back by Thursday each week. If you forget to bring one back your child will be unable to check a new one out.

Just a reminder that water and milk are the only drinks we may have at school. This is a school rule as Mr, Bryce doesn’t love to clean up all the messes;)

The following is a note from the office as a safety reminder!

Friday, September 16-half day for students, teacher pd

DISMISSAL Process Reminders:
  • 3:17 p.m. Get Ready Bell – Students prepare backpacks and line-up for dismissal
  • 3:22 p.m. Pick-Up Door and Bus Dismissal – Students dismiss at 3:22 ONLY go to their pick-up door OR to the bus.
  • 3:30ish p.m. is the Walker Dismissal Announcement – All walkers, bikers, and those whose parents pick them up from the front of school MUST WAIT until the front office dismisses them using the intercom AFTER the buses leave.
  • Parents may wait in the office and have their child meet them in the office when the walker announcement is given after the buses leave.
  • Parents may not walk to the classroom for pick-up

What we are learning:

This week we finished up our unit on the fruits of the spirit. You may have heard we have a kindness chart in our room. When I see students being kind they fill in a heart! We are hoping to have a little celebration when we fill all the hearts in! More information to follow. We have loved singing our songs about the fruit of the spirit! Here is a link to one of them. We talk often about how exhibiting the fruit of the spirit is a way to share Jesus and His love with others.

In math this week we learned we can use picture books as a math tool. We counted many items and groups from books in our classroom. We also continued to work in centers with cubes, geo blocks and pattern blocks. On Thursday we had a scavenger hunt to look for groups of two or three within our classroom. We did a great job, finding things Mrs. Arnold didn’t even notice!

In phonics this week we continued to focus on names. We made a class list of all the names in our classroom and we made many observations all on our own. We discovered we had many friends’ names that started with the same letter and that we actually listed them in ABC order!

We continue to review the alphabet focusing on letter sounds and formation. This week we reviewed G, H, I and J. We talked a bit about how I can be tricky as the short sound sounds so much like A and E.

Finally in music we are learning our theme song for the year, Stand in Your Love.

August 29-September 1


Labor Day weekend-no school Friday and Monday

*No parking in the bus loop at the front of school anytime (beginning of day, half day or end of day) Thank you!

Here is a link to our ZCS blue note. This provides information for the whole school.

Please note that September 8 parent meetings are NOT for young 5’s and kindergarten. We had ours before school started. 🙂

What we have been learning:

Math: we explored some of our Math tools. We noticed things about connecting cubes, pattern blocks, two color counters and geo blocks. We will be using these tools and even more during math this year.


Letters: We continue to review the alphabet focusing on letter sounds and formation. This week we reviewed B, C, D, and E.

Phonics: We looked at the beginning sounds in all of our classmate’s names. We will continue to work with our names next week!

Bible: In Bible this week we began learning the fruits of the spirit. We have studied love, joy, peace and patience this week. Our discussion during class about the love of Jesus was absolutely beautiful. We discussed how much God loves us-so much that He sent His Son for us! We talked about ways to share his love with others!

Social Studies: We started learning about maps this week. We learned that we can make maps of many things. We each drew a map of our playground. We learned to include important things on our map but not every tiny little thing!!! We were able to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather God provided while we drew our maps!

Finally, and such a big part of kindergarten, we are making new friends everyday!