November 29-December 3


Please keep practicing putting on coats and zipping! I have also made a new rule for our classroom concerning coats. Since many of our friends want to go out without a coat, I have made a rule that the temperature has to be above 45 for them to go out without a coat and then they must have a sweatshirt.  If you feel like your child needs to be an exception for this please lmk and also lmk if you always want your child to have a coat on until winter is over.

Library is on Monday so you may return your books anytime before then

Make sure to open your child’s book bag and have them read to you! They are so proud of their reading! Also, feel free to continue to work on letters and sounds. We can never be too good with those;)

We just got information about the Jingle Jog. For those of you who don’t know this is a time where we get to dress up in fun Christmas things and run in the gym and hallway. Parents are welcome to come and watch as long as they are masked up. Our time is Monday December 13 from 9-9:30. Mrs. Miller will be sending home more information next week! We would love to have you come!

Christmas Break December 20-January December 31. First day back is January 3.

What we are learning:

This week in Bible we started the Christmas story! This is one of my favorite things we do all year! We are reading many books about the Christmas story as well as the story from our Bible. We have also started making our nativity! So far we have done the angel, Mary, Joseph and the shepherd! Thank you for all the toilet paper rolls and boxes!

This week we added is to our word wall word board! We now have A, at. go, I, is, look, me see, the, up and we.

During Daily 5 this week everyone received at least one new book! Make sure to check it out with your child this weekend and make sure they are pointing when they are reading. This is such an important skill for emergent readers!

In Math this week we learned about the = and not = signs and how it indicates that numbers on both side of the symbol are either the same or not. We also practiced writing our sixes and made patterns on candy canes and followed some patterns with Christmas sweaters!

In phonics this week Mrs. Arnold brought a stocking full of ornaments and we sorted them by the first letter sound. We also used white boards and listened to words with long vowels and wrote down the vowel we heard!

In writing workshop this week we began our unit on list making. Our first list was a list of friends in our classroom!

In Science we continued working through our weather unit and we chose clothes for Mr. Arnold to wear in different seasons.

Finally, Paisley Genzink was Up in Lights. Her mom came to share about her and played her favorite song for us. On Thursday afternoon her dad came and brought four puppies and we got a chance to play with them on our playground. SO MUCH FUN!





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