Bronze Bow Chapter 7 Questions


1)What did Rabbi Hezron believe about fighting?

A:He believes that they should leave the future in God’s hands.

2)Why did Daniel hate the Romans?

A:He hated them because they killed him Mom and Dad.

3)What had Daniel vowed?

A:He vowed that he would get the Romans back for what they had done to him and his family.

4) Why couldn’t Thace take Daniel and Joel’s vow?

A:She couldn’t take it because she’s a girl, and girls can’t fight.

5) What was the new vow?

A:The new vow is that all three of them will fight for Israel for God’s victory.

6)How did Thace explain the bronze bow?

A:There was a very strong man that bent Bronze into a Bow

7)Why did Daniel decide to leave?

A:He decided to leave because Joel and Thace would be horrified if he left on the sabbath.

Thought Questions:

1)Do you think God uses outlaws? Do you think Rosh was doing God’s work?

A:I don’t think that he does because in the book Rosh mocks God and killing people and stealing from that isn’t exactly what you’d call “God’s Work”.

2) What did Joel mean when he said, “…it is the same thing. Victory and the kingdom”?

A: I think that he meant that if they won over the Romans then they would get the kingdom too.

3)What made the new vow different from the one Daniel had originally taken?

A:It was different because his old vow was to defeat the Romans and his new one was to

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