Bronze Bow Chapter 24 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why couldn’t Daniel seek a new band of Zealots?

A:He couldn’t seek them because there were Romans everywhere and he wouldn’t be able to tell if they really wanted to fight or not.

2)What happened to Leah after the goat died?

A:She got even quieter and she began to die too.

3)What did the prospect of Leah’s death mean to Daniel?

A:He was wondering what life would be like without his sister.

4)Who came to inquire Leah? How did Daniel respond?

A:Marcus came and tried to tell Leah goodbye because he was going somewhere far away. Daniel said that if he tried to step one foot in his house he would be killed.

5)Who arrived at Daniel’s house that afternoon?

A:Jesus and Thacia came to his house later.

6)What did Daniel decide when he looked at Jesus?

A:He decided he would follow Jesus.

7)What happened to Leah?

A:She was raised from the dead.

8)What new vow did Daniel and Thacia make?

A:They said that they would get married.

9)What did Daniel do in response of Jesus’ gift?

A:He would follow him

Thought Questions:

1)Is it harder to trust someone after you have been betrayed? Is that possible?

A:I think that it is because if someone betrays you once, you don’t know if their going to do it again.

2)Does freedom need a purpose to accompany it? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think it does.

3)Is vengeance an acceptable way to repay someone? Explain.

A:I don’t think it is because if someone’s trying to be nice to you and you give them a nasty reply it could push their feelings way down.

4)What did it cost Marcus to approach Daniel? How do you think he felt when Daniel refused him?

A: I think Marcus would’ve done anything to get to Leah.

5)Why did Daniel feel free to love Thacia?

A: I think he felt free to love Leah because she was like a new person.

6)Did Daniel break his vow? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think he was, just that he was looking at it from a different view.


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