The Secret Garden Chapter 14

The Secret Garden Chapter 14

1) How did Martha react when Mary first told her about finding Colin?

A: Martha was really afraid that she was going to loose her job when Mary told her that she had met Colin.

2) What was wrong with Colin, according to Martha?

A: Martha told Mary that Colin had a hunch back.

3) What scene from India did Mary think of when she looked at Colin?

A: Colin reminded Mary of this man that ordered everyone around, and if they didn’t listen to him then, they got killed.

4) Who came into Colin’s room while Mary was there?

A: Mrs.Medlock came in with Dr.Craven when Mary was in there.

Thought Questions:

1)Why do you think Colin let Mary look at him? What made her different?

A: I think that Colin let Mary look at him because she was a kid, and his cousin. I think that Mary is different because she doesn’t let people boss her around and tell her what to do.

2) Several times Mary compared people to individuals she saw in India. Why do you think she used her childhood in India as a way to understand life in England?  Why might that be a problem?

A: I think that Mary is still getting used to living in England so sometimes to help her understand things, she reminds herself of things that are more common for her.  I think that that might become a problem because she needs to get used to living in England and not always go back to her life in India.

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