The Secret Garden Chapter 20

The Secret Garden Chapter 20

1)How did the children arrange to get Colin in the garden without being seen?

A: The children decided that it would be best if they could get all of the gardeners out of the gardens, so that no one would be around.

2) What orders did Colin give Mr.Roach?

A: Colin told Mr. Roach that he had to take all of his gardening men inside when they went out.

3)What did Colin announce when he saw the Secret Garden?

A: Colin announced that he should live for ever and ever, when he got pushed into the Secret Garden.

Thought Questions:

1) Was there any magic in Dickon’s ability to make Colin and Mary feel better? If not, how did he do it? What unspoken lesson did he teach them?

A: I don’t think that it was Dickon at all, I think that it was the outdoors. I think that Dickon taught them to like the out of doors.

2) Why do you think the springtime and the garden had such a profound impact on Colin?

A: I think that just thinking about being somewhere that his mother had been and how beautiful it was helped Colin.

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