The Secret Garden Chapter 5

The Secret Garden Chapter 5

1)Why was it good for Mary to go outside? How did she begin to change?

A: It was good for Mary to go outside because it rushed up her blood that had been going slowly for such a long time, It was also good for Mary because she began to get color in her cheeks and brightness in her eyes.

2)Where did she go most often? Whom did she see?

A:Mary went to the garden often and she always was Ben

3)Why did Mr.Craven hate the garden?

A:Mr.Craven hates the gardens because his wife died in one of them.

4)What is wutherin’?

A: Wutherin is the howl that the breeze makes.

5)What four good things  had happened to Mary since she had come to Misselthwaite?

A: 1)She got color in her face 2) She learned that she liked going outside 3) She ate her porridge, 4) and she met a Robin

6)What did Mary hear? How did Martha explain the noise?

A:Mary thought that she heard someone crying, like a child. Martha said that it was either the wind, or one of the new servants.

Thought Questions:

1)Whom do you think Mr.Craven blamed for his wife’s death?

A: I think that Mr.Crave blamed the tree or himself for his wife’s death.

2)What do you think was behind the changes taking place in Mary? What did she need that life on the moor was able to provide?

A: I think that the gardens were behind the change in Mary. Mary needed the gardens in her life, and luckily the moor had plenty of them.

The Secret Garden Chapter 4

The Secret Garden Chapter 4

1)Who awakened Mary in the morning?

A:Martha woke Mary up.

2)How was Martha different from the servants to whom Mary was accustomed?

A:Martha didn’t change Mary of do her hair or anything, she just tended to the fire and kept her bedroom clean.

3)What did Martha think Mary would look like?

A:Martha thought that Mary would have dark skin.

4)How had Martha’s family been different than Mary’s?

A:Martha’s family wasn’t as fortunate as Mary’s family, they actually had to work hard for their income.

5)Why was one of the gardens locked up?

A:One of the Gardens was locked up, because Mr.Craven’s wife died in there.

6)Whom did Mary meet in the gardens? What did he tell her about herself?

A:Mary met a little robin, It told Mary that she had a little room for love in her heart.

7)Why did the robin come? Where did he live?

A:The robin came from his nest to check her out, he lived in-between two gardens.

The Secret Garden Chapter 3

The Secret Garden Chapter 3

1)How did Mrs.Medlock’s speech change when they got off the train?

A:Mrs.Medlock started talking in Yorkshire.

2)Describe the Moor.

A:A moor is a plain spot with no plants or trees.

3)Who met Mary and Mrs.Medlock when they arrived a Misselthwaite?

A:Mr.Pitcher met them at the door.

Thought Questions:

1)Why do you think Mr.Craven didn’t want to see Mary?

A: I think that Mr.Craven was like his sister, he didn’t care if Mary was there, but he didn’t want to see her.

2) In your opinion why did he bring her to England? Is obligation a good reason to do something? Can bad motives spoil a good action?

A: I think Mr.Craven only brought her to England because he kind of had to. I think that bad motives can  spoil a good action.

The Secret Garden Chapter 1

The Secret Garden Chapter 1

1)Who was Mary Lennox? Why was she so bad tempered?

A:Mary Lennox is a little girl that wasn’t wanted by her parents. She was always bad-tempered because her servants always gave her what she wanted.

2)What was an Ayah?

A:Ayah was what Mary called her servant.

3)Why did Mary stare at her mom?

A: Mary stared at her mom because she had never seen her before and because she was so beautiful.

4)Why was it so quiet when Mary awoke?

A:The house was so quiet because everyone had died-Her mom, dad and all of the servants.

Thought Questions:

1)Does being wanted affect a child’s disposition? How much should family shape who you are?

A:I think that being wanted affects them a lot. I also think that family shapes children a lot also.

2)What is your impression of India from Burnett’s description? Is it positive or negative? How does this chapter create a foundation for Mary’s personality?

A:So far the definition is negative. This chapter has surely made a statement.

3)How did Mary expect to be treated? How does she respond to tragedy? Where do you think she learned to behave that way?

A:Mary expected everyone to give her everything she wanted. Mary didn’t really think about anyone else, she really only thought about herself. I think that Mary learned to act that way from her mom.


Number the Stars Chapter 15

Number the Stars Chapter 15

1)How did Anne Marie act toward the soldiers?

A:Anne Marie acted like a silly little girl.

2)What did the soldiers want to know?

A:The soldiers wanted to know what was in the basket?

3)Why did the dogs act strangely?

A:The dogs smelled the handkerchief, but didn’t lunge back for it because they had lost their sense of smell.

4)What was in the package?

A:There was a handkerchief in the package.

5)Did Anne Marie get to the boat on time?

A:Anne Marie got to the boat 5 minutes before the soldiers did.

Thought Questions:

1)Where you surprised to see what was in the package?

A:I was surprised because Anne Marie’s mom was freaking out, so I thought that it was going to be something dangerous that she would get in trouble with if the police caught her.

2)Why do you think the hankie was so important?

A:The hankie was important because if Uncle Henrik didn’t get it, then the police dogs could’ve smelled the Rosens, Peter, and the other people.

Number the Stars Chapter 14

Number the Stars Chapter 14

1)What story did Anne Marie think of as she ran through the woods?

A:Anne Marie thought of little red riding hood.

2)Why had Uncle Henrik needed to guide the others?

A:Uncle Henrik needed to stay with them because he didn’t what them to be found.

3)What did Anne Marie hear? What made the noise?

A:Anne Marie heard something in the bushes, it was just a bird.

Thought Questions:

1)Do you, like Kirsti, ask questions when you read? When you watch movies? Do you think people are expected to absorb messages without thinking about them? Why?

A:I don’t ever ask questions about books or movies. I think that people are expected to absorb messages without thinking about them, because that’s how most people are. Most people also don’t like watching a movie when someone keeps on talking through the whole thing.

Number the Stars Chapter 13

Number the Stars Chapter 13

1)What happened to Mama?

A:Mama tripped on a tree root and fell, she hurt herself so she had to crawl the rest of the way home.

2)What did Anne Marie find at the bottom of the steps?

A:Anne Marie found the little package that Mr.Rosen was supposed to bring to Uncle Henrik.

3)What did Mama tell Anne Marie to do?

A:Mama told Anne Marie to run as fast as she could.

Thought Questions:

1)Was it fair for Mama to ask Anne Marie to do something dangerous? Is  protecting children from physical harm a parents most important responsibility?

A:It wasn’t fair, but during that time nothing was fair, you just had to do what you had to do. It is parent’s most important thing, but Mama couldn’t run with her ankle  hurting and Kirsti was too little, so Anne Marie had to.

2)Would you have taken the packet, not knowing what was in it? What does Anne Marie’s willingness tell you about her relationship with Mama?

A:I probable would’ve because my mom would never send me somewhere with something dangerous without telling me first. Anne Marie’s willingness tells you that she loves her mom and trusts her with her whole heart.

Number the Stars Chapter 12

Number the Stars Chapter 12

1)How long did Anne Marie think Mama would be gone?

A:Anne Marie thought that it would take Mama an hour to get to the boat and back.

2)Where did Anne Marie find Mama?

A: Anne Marie found Mama on the ground trying to crawl back to Uncle Henrik’s house.

Thought Questions:

1)Is it harder to do something dangerous or wait foe someone else to do it? Why?

A: I think that it’s harder to do the dangerous thing because you’re the one taking the risk.

2)What makes waiting difficult?

A: I think it’s hard to wait because you’re either waiting for something fun, or for something scary. If it’s fun, you can’t wait to do it, but if it’s scary, you want to get over with it.

Number the Stars Chapter 11

Number the Stars Chapter 11

1)What was inside the Coffin?

A:There were a bunch of  blankets and huge coats in the coffin.

2)What did Mama give the baby? What did Peter give the baby?

A:Mama gave the baby a big blanket to wrap around it and Peter gave the baby some drugs to knock it out, so that it couldn’t cry.

3) What did Peter hand Mr.Rosen?

A:Peter handed Mr.Rosen  a  sack to bring when Mama brought their family.

4)What caused the commotion?

A: The thing that caused all of the noise was that Mr. Rosen fell on one of the lose steps.

5)Where was Uncle Henrik taking Ellen and the others?

A:Uncle Henrik was taking Ellen and the others to Denmark, which was on the other side of the lake of  Germany.

Thought Questions:

1)Why do you think  Peter called Mama by her first name? What did that symbolize for him?

  A:Peter called Mama by her name to show her that  he had grown up. It symbolized that he was growing up more and it symbolized that he had a lot of respect for her.

2)Anne Marie described Peter’s comment as “only a brief grasp at something that had gone.” What had gone?

A: The thing that had gone was fear.

3)What is Pride? Is there a difference between pride in a job well done and selfish pride? When is it good to be proud?

A:Pride is something that can be good, or bad. Yes to have pride in something you deserve is something way different from pride that you don’t deserve. It’s good to be proud when you deserve it, but it can also turn into a braggy thing.

Number the Stars Chapter 10

Number the Stars Chapter 10

1)What happened in the middle of the night?

A: In the middle of the night some soldiers came to Uncle Henrik’s house.

2)What did the soldiers ask Anne Marie?

A: The Soldiers asked Anne Marie who had died.

3)How had Mama explained  the closed coffin?

A:Mama said that Great Aunt Bertie had a decease and that the doctor instructed to keep the coffin closed because if they opened it then the decease could spread.

4)How did Anne Marie describe the world after the officers had left?

A:Anne Marie had said that the world was dangerous.

Thought Questions:

1)Can true bonds of friendship be broken? What are bonds of friendship?

A:I don’t that true bonds of friendship can get broken, bonds of friendship are love, joy and patience.

2)Is it possible for humans to number the stars?

A:I think that they might be able to but that it would be hard.

3) How did the bible verse that Peter read relate to Anne Marie and Ellen’s situation?

A:The bible verse related to both of them because they were both nervous, afraid and confused.

Number the Stars Chapter 8

Number the Stars Chapter 8

1)What special treat did the girls have at breakfast?

A: The girls had cream to drink and butter to have on their oatmeal.

2)What did the soldiers do with the farmer’s butter?

A:The Soldiers needed it for them to eat. so they “relocated it” for their soldiers.

3)What did the  code phrase, “Is the weather good for fishing” mean?

A: The code meant, Are we ready to take all of the Jewish people who we know about to Denmark.

4)What sad event did Uncle Henrik mention to the girls? Why was Anne Marie confused?

A: Uncle Henrik said that their Great Aunt Bertie died. Anne Marie was confused because she had never heard of this so called Great Aunt Bertie.

Thought Questions:

1)Why are ghost stories told at night? What makes the dark frightening?

A:Ghost stories are told at night because it’s dark and that is supposedly when the ghosts come out, the dark makes everything spookier. The dark is scary because you can’t see anything around you, so something could jump out at you without you even knowing what it is or that it is.

2)Were Mama and Uncle Henrik lying about Great Aunt Bertie? If so why? Is it okay to lie in that kind of situation?

A: Mama and Uncle Henrik were lying about Great Aunt Bertie. But they were lying to cover up that they were making plans to take Ellen and her family to Denmark. I do think that in that kind of situation you can keep what you’re doing a secret.

Number the Stars Chapter 7

Number the Stars Chapter 7

1)What was Uncle Henrik’s boat called?

A: Uncle Henrik’s boat’s name was Ingeborg.

2)What did Mama warn Ellen and Anne Marie?

A:She warned them that if they saw anyone, not to talk to them, or even come inside.

3)Where was Ellen’s necklace?

A:Ellen’s necklace was in a secret, special place where no one would find it.

4) About what did Mama tease Uncle Henrik?

A:Mama always teased Uncle Henrik about getting married and how she always had to keep his house clean.

Thought Questions:

1)What does it mean to look at something with “fresh eyes?” Can you think of an example? In what situation might it be valuable to do that?

A:I think that it means to look at something with a new view.  Like look at Lake Michigan or your school differently. I think it might help the most if you’re sad or depressed.

2)If the two girls had been back in Sweden, looking at Denmark, what might their conversation have been like?

A: They probable would’ve had a cheerful or sad conversation about being in Sweden, but also missing their home.

Number the Stars Chapter 6

Number the Stars Chapter 6

1)Where did Papa want to send the girls?

A:Papa wanted to send the girls to Uncle Henrik’s , Anne Marie’s  mom’s brother.

2)Why did Mama say it would be safer if she and the girls traveled alone?

A:Mama thought it would be safer because then the german soldiers wouldn’t get suspicious.

3)Why was papa’s telephone conversation strange? What did it mean?

A:It was weird because he asked if it was good weather to go fishing and he said that he would have Anne Marie’s mom bring cigaretts  which were something that were rationed. Then Anne Marie figured out that he was talking about Ellen.

4)What did Kirsti tell the soldiers?

A: Kirsti told them that SHE was going to HER uncles house in HER new shinny black shoes. 🙂

Thought Questions:

1)Is education more important than safety? Does the answer change if the decision is for a long-term situation?

A: I think that safety is WAY more important that education, because if you get killed  getting an education, then you just wasted your life getting an education rather than being safe and maybe getting an education later on in life. My answer would stay the same for long term too.

2)Why did the soldier ask Mama about the new year? What was he hoping to find out?

A: The soldier asked Mama if she was visiting her brother for the new year, because the Jewish New Year had been a couple of days before that… He was hoping to find out if their family was jewish or not.

3) Are dreams ever dangerous or harmful?

A:Sometimes they are, but only if their scary.

Number the Stars Chapter 5

Number the Stars Chapter 5

1)What did Ellen want to be when she grew up?

A:Ellen wanted to be an actor.

2)How did Lise die?

A:Lise died in a car accident.

3)What awakened the girls? What did the soldiers want to know?

A: The German soldiers woke the girls up, they wanted to know if they knew where Ellen’s family had gone?

4)What did Ellen need to take off? Why?

A:Ellen needed to take off her Star of David necklace because if the German soldiers saw it, they would take her.

5)Why didn’t the soldier believe Ellen was Anne Marie’s sister? How did Papa fool the soldiers?

A:The soldier didn’t believe it because Ellen had brown hair and Anne Marie had blonde hair. Papa found pictures of all the three girls when they were little, luckily Lise had brown hair when she was a baby.

Thought Questions:

1)Why didn’t Anne Marie know how her sister had died? Do you think she was too young to understand?

A:Anne Marie didn’t know how her sister had died because she was really young, and wouldn’t understand. I do think that she was too young to understand.

2)Why did Ellen think it was the worst thing in the world to die young? Do you agree?

A:Ellen thought it was the worst in the world because then you wouldn’t be able to see the future. I think that it would be disappointing to die young because then you can’t have your own family, but on the other hand, you’d be with God longer.

3)How did Papa know to get the pictures? Do you think quickly in emergencies? What makes someone calm under pressure?

A:He must’ve just thought of the pictures. I think that it depends on how bad the emergency is.

Number the stars Chapter 4

Number the stars Chapter 4

1)  After what book did Anne Marie and Ellen name their dolls after?

A:  They named their dolls after the girls in Gone with the wind.

3) What were the Tivoli Gardens?

A: They were pretty places where there were fireworks and other fun things.

4) Why was Ellen’s new year different than the Johansens’?

A: Her New Year is different because she is Jewish so the Jewish New Year is before the regular people.

5) Why did Ellen come to stay with the Johansens?

A: She came to stay with them because her parents had to go hide from the German soldiers because they were looking for all of the Jewish people.

6) Where did papa propose to hide Ellen?

A: He said that they would act like Ellen is Lissie, Anne Marie’s and Kirsti’s older sister… Who died two years earlier.

Thought Questions:

1) Why did Kirsti remember remember the “fireworks”? Was it right for Mama to lie to her?

A: She remembered them because it happened on her birthday, and she was too young to understand what was going on.

2) How did Papa respond to the news that King Christian had blown up the Navy? What does that say about King Christian’s character? About the qualities Papa admires?

A: He was in full approval, It says that he does what’s needed, and that Papa admires people who have courage.

3) When do you think children are old enough to be told serious things? What determines if someone is old or mature enough to hear the difficult truth?

A: I think they can be any age but just has to me mature enough, I think that if they have courage, and are wise enough than they can.

4) What did “relocation” really mean for the Jews? If the Germans knew what was going to happen, why do you think they used the term “relocate” instead?

A: It meant that they would put them in concentration camps and they would never go home again, They used “relocation” because if the Jews knew where they were going… they would escape.

Number the stars Chapter 3

Number the stars Chapter 3

1) Why did Ellen’s father dislike wintertimes?

A:  He dislikes winter because he’s a teacher and he can’t grade his students’ papers when it’s dark outside.

2) What did the girls find at Mrs.Hirsh’s button shop?

A: They found a lock on the door and a letter written in German.

3) What had Peter brought for Anne Marie and Kirsti? For Mama and Papa?

A: He brought the girls sea shells and their parents beer.

4) What news did Peter bring?

A: He brought news that German soldiers were closing Jewish stores.(Stores run by Jews)

5) How did mama say the Hirsh family would survive without their store?

A: She said family and friends will take care of them.

6) Why did Anne Marie think she would never get called on for courage?

A: She thought that since she was just a girl no one want her courage.

Thought Questions:

1) What does the swastika mean to you? What do you it means to a German person?

A: It means nothing to me, but probable a lot to a German.

2) Did it harm the Germans to have the Jews in Business? If not, why did they order Jewish shops to close?

A: It didn’t harm them, but they wanted to get rid of the Jews so they made their shops close.

3) Anne Marie said “All of Denmark must be bodyguards for the Jews” Do you agree with her? What does this statement tell you about her character?

A: I do agree with her and it tells you that she cares for the Jews even though that’s not her religion.

4) Do people die for each other in real life? Is there anyone you would protect?

A: It depends on who the person is, because people are selfish nowadays, if it was the president than maybe, but if it was an ordinary person- probable not. I would die for any of my family or friends.

5) Have you ever been called on for your courage? Does courage always require sacrifice?

A: I have been called on for courage when my family and I played bean boozled. Courage doesn’t always call for sacrifice.


Number the stars Chapter 2

Number the stars Chapter 2

1)  What kind of story did Kirsti want to hear?

A: She wanted to hear a fairy tale.

2) Who was the ruler of Denmark? Where did he live?

A: King Christian X is the ruler and he lives in Amelianburg- A palace

3) Why did the people love him?

A: They loved him because he was wise.

4) Why did thinking about Lissie make Anne Marie sad?

A: It made her sad because she loved her sister and she died right before her wedding, so she was sad that she could never get married.

5) Why didn’t the king of Denmark fight the German according to papa?

A: They couldn’t fight because they didn’t have a big enough army.

6) What was the country that the German didn’t occupy?

A: They didn’t occupy Sweden.

7) Even though Anne Marie’s whole world had changed, what had stayed the same?

A: The thing that stayed the same were the fairy tales.

Thought Questions:

1)  Do you think King Christian was a good ruler? What qualifies someone as a good ruler during wartime?

A:I think that he was a pretty good ruler and that he couldn’t have been better.

2) Would people today die for their leaders?

A: I think that it would depend on what kind of leader they are and wether he’s a good leader or not.

3) Do you think King Christian was right to surrender to the Germans?

A: I think that he made the right decisions because it was either surrender, or try to fight with little men.

4) Do fairytales ever change? Why are familiar things like fairy tales so comforting?

A: Fairytales never change unless you change then. They’re comforting because we’re so  used to them.

5) Can you think of any that doesn’t change? Is there a right or wrong way to think about change?

A: God doesn’t change, I personally don’t enjoy change. I don’t think that there’s a right or wrong way but that everyone reacts differently.

Number the stars Chapter 1

Number the Stars Chapter 1

1) Why didn’t Ellen want to race Anne Marie?imgres

A: She didn’t want to race her because she knew she would get beat.

2) What stopped the girls’ race?

A:The soldiers stopped them.

3) Did Anne Marie and Ellen tell their mothers what happened?

A:They didn’t have to because when they got home they found out that Anne Marie’s little sister Kirsti already did.

4) How did Mrs.Johansen explain the soldiers’ unease?

A:She said that they were making sure something else wasn’t going to get bombed like a lot of things.

5) What was De frie Danke ?

A:It was an Illegal newspaper

6) Who were the resistance fighters? How did they operate?

A: They were people who hid their identity and went and either helped Jews escape, or bombed German factories.

7) What did Kirsti want to eat? Why couldn’t she have it?

A:She wanted a big cupcake with pink frosting… She couldn’t have it because sugar and butter was rationed.

Thought Questions:

1) Why wasn’t Kirsti afraid of the soldiers?

A:She wasn’t afraid of them because they had been around her, her whole life… so she didn’t know any different.

2) Why did Mrs.Rosen advise Anne Marie to be “one of the crowd?” Do you think of that idea as positive or negative today? How do wars and extreme circumstances change people’s priorities?

A:She advised that so that the soldiers wouldn’t remember her face and suspect her for anything. I think it’s negative because you want to be yourself, not like everyone else. War changes people’s priorities because durring war all they want is to stay safe.

Bronze Bow Chapter 24 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why couldn’t Daniel seek a new band of Zealots?

A:He couldn’t seek them because there were Romans everywhere and he wouldn’t be able to tell if they really wanted to fight or not.

2)What happened to Leah after the goat died?

A:She got even quieter and she began to die too.

3)What did the prospect of Leah’s death mean to Daniel?

A:He was wondering what life would be like without his sister.

4)Who came to inquire Leah? How did Daniel respond?

A:Marcus came and tried to tell Leah goodbye because he was going somewhere far away. Daniel said that if he tried to step one foot in his house he would be killed.

5)Who arrived at Daniel’s house that afternoon?

A:Jesus and Thacia came to his house later.

6)What did Daniel decide when he looked at Jesus?

A:He decided he would follow Jesus.

7)What happened to Leah?

A:She was raised from the dead.

8)What new vow did Daniel and Thacia make?

A:They said that they would get married.

9)What did Daniel do in response of Jesus’ gift?

A:He would follow him

Thought Questions:

1)Is it harder to trust someone after you have been betrayed? Is that possible?

A:I think that it is because if someone betrays you once, you don’t know if their going to do it again.

2)Does freedom need a purpose to accompany it? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think it does.

3)Is vengeance an acceptable way to repay someone? Explain.

A:I don’t think it is because if someone’s trying to be nice to you and you give them a nasty reply it could push their feelings way down.

4)What did it cost Marcus to approach Daniel? How do you think he felt when Daniel refused him?

A: I think Marcus would’ve done anything to get to Leah.

5)Why did Daniel feel free to love Thacia?

A: I think he felt free to love Leah because she was like a new person.

6)Did Daniel break his vow? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think he was, just that he was looking at it from a different view.


Bronze Bow Chapter 23 Questions

Review Questions:

1)What was Daniel’s hope for Leah?

A:That Jesus could heal her.

2)Where had Jesus gone when Daniel arrived in Capernaum?

A:He had gone across the lake.

3)Why did the people call Jesus “Messiah”?

A:They were calling him that because they wanted him to be their king.

4)What had Jesus afford Simon?

A:He had offered Simon the kingdom.

5)How did Simon know God had not forgotten Israel?

A:He knew because Jesus had told him that.

6)What did Daniel look for in a leader?

A:He looked for a fierce person who was not afraid and someone who would lead them to fight.

7)What option was left to Daniel?

A:He had to go home.

Thought Questions:

1)Why did encounters with Jesus remove guilt? Did they change facts? If not, what did they change?

A:They took Jesus out of the city and they didn’t really change the facts, because Jesus was talking about a different kingdom than all of the other people were.

2)What did Simon mean when he said he already had the kingdom?

A:He meant he was already in God’s kingdom.

3)Does faith always mean “to choose, not knowing”? Why would someone make that choice?

A: Sometimes it does, but other times you know what is going to happen or God tells you. I think that you’d have to ask that person, because everyone has a different reason.