Bronze Bow Chapter 20 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Describe a life that is lived by the sword.

A:It means that your always stressed about something no matter how hard it is not to.

2)Why did Joel come to see Daniel?

A:He came to tell him that he had to leave his house to come live  with him because his father was going to send him off to a school with one of his father’s friends the next day.

3)Why did Daniel no longer see Rosh as his leader?

A:He no longer saw him as his leader because they were going opposite ways and Daniel got a glimpse of who Rosh really is.

4)What means did Daniel use to persuade Joel to continue his studies?

A:He told him that they always needed someone somewhere else keeping a watch out.

5)What message did Thacia bring Daniel?

A:She wanted Daniel come to a dance that everyone went to in the vineyard.

6)Why had Thacia not been forced to accept an arranged marriage?

A:She hadn’t been forced because her mom’s marriage was like that and she ended up falling in love with someone else and then marrying him.

7)Who were Jesus’s enemies?

A: His enemy’s are Herod’s men.

Thought Questions:

1)Why is it easier to deceive someone who’s angry at you? Is deception justifiable in that situation?

A:I think it’s easier because then you don’t have to deal with them, but I also don’t think it’s the right thing to do.

2)Why was Daniel angry to hear that Thacia refused to choose a husband?

A:Because that means she likes him.

3)Do you think people serving in the military should get married?

A:I think that it could go either way, I think that they should married, but I think it also causes problems.

Bronze Bow Chapter 19 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Did Daniel expect to survive the attack?

A:I don’t think that he did, because he was surprised that he was still alive.

2) What did the  Romans do that threw Daniel off guard?

A:They put their shields up so that they  couldn’t get hit by a stone.

3)What unlooked-for help came to Daniel and the other boys?

A:Samson followed them he whole way there and helped them.

4)How did the battle end?

A:Samson threw a big rock and then the Romans ran away.

5)What happened to Samson?

A:One of the guards threw a rock at him and them took him with them.

6)What did the boys lose that night?

A:They lost Nathan.

Thought Questions:

1)What was the difference between the fight and the glorious battle Daniel longed for?

A: There is a BIG difference, the glorious battle Daniel wants will never happen because he wants them to be able to defeat them in 15 minutes and have them all be gone, and the fight they had was hard, and they almost lost Joel.

2)Is war ever truly glorious? Why do you think people view it that way?

A:I don’t think that war is ever glorious, and I think people make themselves believe that because they don’t want to think about how horrible it is.

3)Was the fight worth the cost?

A:I kind of think it was and I kind of think it wasn’t, because either way one man would’ve been lost.

4)How might the fight have been avoided?

A: They could’ve avoided it by not going to save Joel.

5)How would a captain in Daniel’s position decide which man to lose? How would you decide? What does Daniel’s decision reveal about his character?

A:I think they would think who they need most and then decide if that man is valuable enough to make up for one or two men that might get killed in the fight. I think that I might do the same thing, but if the one who’s in danger is my friend then I defiantly would. I think that on the inside of Daniel he loves all of his friends.


Bronze Bow Chapter 18 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Who came to find Daniel? What news did she bring?

A:Thacia came and told Daniel that the soldiers had come and taken Daniel away.

2)What did Rosh say they should do?

A:He said that it was Joel’s fault that he was captured, so that they should just leave him alone.

3)What did Daniel decide to do?

A:He decided to go save Joel.

4)Who became the official leader of the band of boys?

A:Daniel did, because he was the one who had done this for the longest and he was the one who started the band.

Thought Questions:

1)What caused Daniel to see Rosh differently? Did Rosh change or Daniel?

A: The way that he answered Daniel’s question, made Daniel see him differently. I think that Daniel changed.

2)Is collective responsibility (being responsible for the members of a group) or individual responsibility (being responsible only for yourself) more important? In what situation would you be in favor of collective responsibility?

A: I think that collective responsibility is more important than just worrying about yourself. If you were at war or if you got stuck in a fight then you would like to have someone behind your back making sure you wouldn’t get hurt.

Bronze Bow Chapter 17 Questions

Review Questions

1)What had Rosh done? How did the legionaries know he was responsible?

A:He had robbed 5 of the richest houses in town, and took everything in them.

2)What role did Joel undertake for Rosh?

A:He went and got all of the information about who was going to the party and when it was, not knowing that Rosh was going to use that information to rob the wealthiest houses.

3)Why did Daniel’s band join active service?

A:They did it to impress Rosh.

4)Why was Daniel disappointed in his boys?

A:He was disappointed in them because he thought that they would understand more.

5)What didi the boys find on the road?

A:They found a catapult.

6)What happened that made the towns people lose patience with Rosh?

A:He started stealing their sheep again.

7)How did Rosh respond to Daniel’s warnings?

A:He said that the towns people would have to deal with it if they wanted a hero.


Thought Questions:

1)Do you think Rosh’s plan was worthy of Joel’s efforts? What purpose did it serve?

A:I don’t think that  Rosh should’ve put Joel in danger, just to steal things out of people’s houses.

2)Why do loot, vandalism, and theft often accompany war? Are these acts justifiable?

A:I think that it comes with war because people are desperate.

3)Was Rosh giving his life for the people’s freedom?

A:I don’t think that he is, I think that he just wants to kill Romans, not for freedom, just to kill them.

4)Do you think Rosh’s evaluation of the towns people fair? Why or why not?

A: I don’t think it is fair because Rosh is acting like a king, and making all of the people do what he tells them to.

Bronze Bow Chapter 16 Questions

Review Questions:

1) What did Rosh wan’t Joel to do?

A:He wanted to know the different people that were and weren’t on his side.

2)How did Joel propose to get the information?

A:He wanted Thacia to dress up like a man and go with Daniel to get the info.

3)Why didn’t Thacia want to see Jesus while she and Daniel were disguised?

A: She didn’t want to get caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to be doing.

4)What happened with the soldiers?

A:They made Thacia and Daniel carry their bags

5)What did Thacia say that made Leah laugh?

A:She told Leah  that Daniel knows how to smile behind his scowl

6)What broke up the noon meal?

A: The sunlight hitting a silver helmet.

7)What did Daniel give Thacia?

A: He gave her the bronze bow.

8)What had the doctors said about Leah?

A:He said that there was nothing he could do.

Thought Questions:

1)Do you think Jesus would have condemned Thacia’s actions?

A:I kind of think it could go either way, for or against Thacia.

2)Are all lies equally bad? What about a situation in which a lie could save an innocent person’s life?

A:I think that it depends on what you’re lying about, so I think that some lies are worst than others.

3)Why did Thacia admire Daniel’s actions? In your opinion were they wise? Brave?

A:I think that she admired them because they were brave, they weren’t exactly wise.

4)What makes the world worth living in?

A: Spreading God’s word.

Bronze Bow Chapter 15 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Daniel go to hear Jesus?

A:He went because Joel asked him to and every time he went he got more curious about him.

2)Why did the overseers object  to Jesus?

A: They objected him because they thought that he  was keeping the men from working.

3)What story did Leah like to hear? What puzzled Daniel about it?

A: Leah liked to hear the story of the girl that Jesus rose from the dead… It puzzled Daniel because he didn’t know how Jesus did it.

4) To what did Daniel attribute the changes in Leah?

A: He thinks that it’s all of the visits with Thacia that is making Leah better.

5)What did Daniel make in his spare time?

A: He made a bow made out of bronze.

Thought Questions:

1)Why did it seem foolish to Daniel  that a Jew and Samaritan could work together? Can you think of a comparable conflict between two groups of people today?

A: It seemed foolish to Daniel in that time because it was hard for him to see how everything could all of the sudden be peaceful. Right know there is a lot of conflict in the world.

2)Is there a person or group of people with whom you could never get along? Is it easier to seek reconciliation or to say it’s impossible?

A: There is a person that no matted how hard I try we can’t get along, and I think that it’s easier to give up than try harder.


Bronze Bow Chapter 14 Questions

Review Questions:

1)What did Leah ask Daniel to explain?

A: She asked him to explain what Marriage is.

2)What did Leah say about the soldier? How did she know?

A:She said that the soldier is homesick, she could tell by the look in his eyes.

3)What did Daniel find on the mountain?

A:He found that the men haven’t been doing very well.

4)Why did Rosh resent Samson?

A:He resented him because all of the men went crazy thanking Samson for the food that he had gotten.

5)Why couldn’t Daniel take Samson back to the village with him?

A: He couldn’t take Samson back because then Leah would ask questions like where he was from and how Daniel got him.

Thought Questions:

1)Why did Daniel think marriage was foolish? Do you think  his reasons were valid?

A:Daniel thinks that marriage is foolish because he doesn’t think he can get married and fight the Romans at the same time, he also doesn’t understand women.

2)What makes someone a master? Do they need the other person’s consent?

A:When you are put in charge of someone, that can make you a master, I think that if they care about the people that they are mastering then they might ask for their consent, but other than that probable not.

3)Did Daniel belong in the village or on the mountain? Explain.

A:I think that Daniel is more needed in the village with his sister because if he leaves her even for one day, she won’t eat or drink anything, so she could die.

Bronze Bow Chapter 13 Questions

Review Questions:

1)What did Leah do with the coin she received for her weaving?

A:She used it to buy more cloth to weave.

2) Why did Daniel ask Joel to speak with the young weaver?

A: He wanted Joel to talk to the weaver to put some courage in her.

3)Why did Joel go to hear Jesus speak?

A:He wanted to learn more about him.

4)What did the boys find when they returned to the house?

A:They found that Thacia had been talking to Leah, about Daniel.

5)What did Daniel notice after Thacia’s visit?

A: He noticed that she was happier and that she had more glow in her face.

6) What made Leah laugh?

A:The pretty cloth made her laugh because she had never seen something so beautiful.

Thought Questions:

1)Did Jesus and Rosh have anything in common? Would they have worked together? Why or why not?

A: I think that they do have something in common, working hard to achieve something, just a different ends. One wants to kill a bunch of people and the other one wants to save everyone. So I don’t think that they could’ve worked together.

2)Why do you think Leah allowed Thacia to see her?

A: I think that she let her see her because she wanted to see someone that she used to know, beside her brother all the time.

3)In your opinion what brought the change in Leah?

A: I think that seeing Thacia and seeing how beautiful she is, made her want to be that beautiful.

Bronze Bow Chapter 12 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Daniel speak to the village boy?

A: He spoke to him because he  looked really defeated.

2)For what reason did the boy’s friends attack him?

A:They attacked him because he was the tax collector’s son.

3)How did Daniel help Nathan?

A:He gave him a job there and walked him home.

4)Whom did Joel bring to the shop?

A: He brought another person that wanted  to fight the Romans.

5)What was the password of Daniel’s band?

A: “He trains my hands for war so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

6)Why did the group need to change it’s meeting place?

A:They needed to change it because there was always a Roman soldier hanging around there.

Thought Questions:

1)Does it shock you to think of a family selling their daughter? What modern social practices do you think would have shocked people in Daniel’s time?

A: If I had never learned about people back then, then it would’ve, but since I’ve read about them, it doesn’t really surprise me… I think letting women choose their own husbands would have shocked people in Daniel’s time, because in their time the fathers would sell their daughters to men.

2)What is the purpose of a brand? Does it undermine the power of giving your word? How would people guarantee their promises today?

A: The purpose of a brand was to show that you would keep the promise and if people were unsure that you made that promise they can check you for a brand. Now days most of the time people sign a contract to promise that they will do what ever is being asked or promise that they will do something.

Bronze Bow Chapter 11


1) What did Simon offer Daniel?

A:He offered to have Daniel take over his shop while he was gone and stay in his house.

2)What was the hardest part of the job for Daniel to accept?

A:It was hard for him to not go back up to the mountain.

3)How did Daniel get Leah to Simon’s house?

A:One of the neighbors brought one of those clothed boxes to carry Leah in because no one can see in side it.

4)What did Leah find to occupy her time while Daniel worked?

A:She weaved cloth and sowed them.

5)How did Daniel show his contempt to the soldier?

A:He took an extra long time to fix the thing he had come to get repaired.

6)What did the soldier see? How did Daniel react?

A:He saw Leah come out of the house to come watch Daniel. Daniel got really mad and slamed the door.

Thought Questions:

1)How did Simon differentiate between a villager and an outlaw?

A:He’s different than both of them because he is kinder than both.

2)Did it surprise you to learn that Leah was a skilled weaver? Why or why not? What assumptions do you make about people with mental disabilities?

A:I really wasn’t that surprised because after all those years of watching her Grandmother do it, she probable just learned.

3) Why do you think the incident with the soldier made Daniel long for the mountain?

A:I think it made him long for the mountain because he wanted to defeat the Romans, and he was wondering if Rosh had done anything yet.

Bronze Bow Chapter 8 Questions


1)Who became Daniel’s Hero?


2)How did Thacia and Leah threaten Daniel’s plans?

A:They had never seemed to understand him.

3)Why were the man and woman taking their son to go see Jesus?

A:They were taking him to see Jesus because Jesus heals people, and their son had hurt his hand.

4)Why did Jesus say that hand-washing was unnecessary?

A: He said that so then the ladies who had prepared the food wouldn’t feel embarrassed.

5)For what reason did Daniel question the relevance of Jesus’ words to the crowd?

A: He questioned them because he couldn’t believe that they had been healed

6)What did Simon want of Jesus?

A:He wanted to learn about him.

Thought Questions:

1)Why were so many people curious about Jesus?

A:They were curious about him because they had heard that he had performed miracles

2)Why didn’t the man and woman need to look at their son to know that he had been healed?

A:They didn’t need to look at him because they knew it in their hearts.

3)Why do you think Joel stopped short of condemning Jesus?

A:I think that he did that because he began to believe everything Jesus was saying/doing.

Bronze Bow Chapter 9


1) What job did Rosh give Daniel?

A:He told him to rob a man that acted like he was poor, but he was really rich.

2)Why did Daniel give one of the daggers back to the man?

A:He gave it back because he felt bad for him.

3)What did Rosh say when he found out?

A:He was mad that he had given the money back to him.

4)What did Rosh say he needed to do? Why?

A:He said that either Daniel would have to get rid of that soft spot he had, or he would himself.

Thought Questions:

1)Does Rosh sound like Robin Hood to you? How are they alike? Different?

A:Rosh is not at all alike to Robin Hood, Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives it to the poor, Rosh just steals from anyone no matter how rich or poor they are.

2)Do you think Rosh’s actions were justifiable? Why or why not?

A:I don’t think that they were because, he not just to his men… He treats them badly.

3)Is wealth a right or privilege? Did the old man deserve to have his gold taken away?

A:I think wealth is a privilege, because we should be thankful that we have wealth. I personally think that he didn’t deserve to have his gold taken away.

4)Is Kindness the same thing as weakness?

A: I think that Kindness is some people’s weakness, but I don’t think that Kindness is the same thing as weakness.

Bronze Bow Chapter 10


1)What message did Simon send Daniel?

A:He sent him a message to tell him that his grandmother was dying.

2)Why had the villagers not entered the house?

A:Because it was locked so they couldn’t get in, and no one would open the door

3)What psalms did Daniel recite to his Grandmother?


4)What sign told Daniel that his sister was not totally in the grip of the demons?

A:She talked to him.

5)What happened to his Grandmother?

A:She died at night.

Thought Questions:

1)Why was Daniel afraid to spend the night in his Grandmother’s house? Was his fear reasonable? What does his reaction tell you about his view of death?

A:He was afraid because he didn’t want her to die in the middle of the night. I think it was reasonable. I think that Daniel views death as a part of life.

2)Why do you think Daniel’s Grandmother expected him to return?

A:Because he cared about his sister, even though he doesn’t show it.

Bronze Bow Chapter 7 Questions


1)What did Rabbi Hezron believe about fighting?

A:He believes that they should leave the future in God’s hands.

2)Why did Daniel hate the Romans?

A:He hated them because they killed him Mom and Dad.

3)What had Daniel vowed?

A:He vowed that he would get the Romans back for what they had done to him and his family.

4) Why couldn’t Thace take Daniel and Joel’s vow?

A:She couldn’t take it because she’s a girl, and girls can’t fight.

5) What was the new vow?

A:The new vow is that all three of them will fight for Israel for God’s victory.

6)How did Thace explain the bronze bow?

A:There was a very strong man that bent Bronze into a Bow

7)Why did Daniel decide to leave?

A:He decided to leave because Joel and Thace would be horrified if he left on the sabbath.

Thought Questions:

1)Do you think God uses outlaws? Do you think Rosh was doing God’s work?

A:I don’t think that he does because in the book Rosh mocks God and killing people and stealing from that isn’t exactly what you’d call “God’s Work”.

2) What did Joel mean when he said, “…it is the same thing. Victory and the kingdom”?

A: I think that he meant that if they won over the Romans then they would get the kingdom too.

3)What made the new vow different from the one Daniel had originally taken?

A:It was different because his old vow was to defeat the Romans and his new one was to

The Bronze Bow Chapter 6 Questions


1)What happened at the well?

A: One Roman soldier thought that he was a slave so he started ordering him around, to get water for his horse and then, he wanted him to get him some water, he got some, right in the face! 🙂

2) Where did Daniel seek shelter?

A:He went back to Joel’s house.

3)What did Malthace tell Daniel to do?

A:She told him to be quiet and hold a wet towel on himself.

4)How did Joel react when he found Daniel?

A:He was really worried about him and made sure that he was o-k.

5)Where did Thace and Joel hide Daniel?

A:They hid him in a secret passage way they had found when they had first looked at the house.

Thought Questions:

1)Why do you think Thace rescued Daniel?

A: I think that she rescued him because she felt bad for him and that she was afraid that if Joel came home and heard that she didn’t help him, he would be mad.

2)Was it selfish for Daniel to endanger the house of Hezron?

A: I don’t it was because it was either don’t go anywhere and die or go to Joel’s house to get help.

3)Do you think Rabbi Hezron would have turned Daniel over to the Romans?

A:I kind of think that he would, but at the same time, I also don’t think he would.

The Bronze Bow Chapter 5 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Daniel want to find Joel? What was Rosh’s response?

A:He wanted to find Joel so then he  could have someone else in the band that was restless, Rosh said that he shouldn’t set his heart on finding him and that Joel had too much to lose.

2)Why did Daniel leave the place where Jesus was preaching?

A:He left because there were two annoying Roman soldiers there

3)How was Daniel welcomed at the house of Hezron?

A:Rabbi Hezron welcomed him

4)What actions of the Hezron family did Daniel describe as “heathen”?

A:living in a Roman city

5)How did Daniel insult Rabbi Hezron?

A:He insulted him by saying how he shouldn’t worship in a synagog built by Romans

6)What did Rabbi Hezron say in response to Daniel’s accusations?

A:He said that he would worship God anywhere, even in a synagog built by Romans

7)What was Israel’s “one strength”  according to Rabbi Hezron?

A: Their one strength was talking badly about the Romans

Thought Questions:

1)While Daniel was gone, did things change on the mountain? If not, why was he disillusioned when he returned?

A:I think that he felt disillusioned when he got back because he had been gone for such a long time and so he wasn’t used to how they were acting.

2)Explain  Rosh’s statement about Joel: “He’s got too much to lose.” Why was he unlikely to join Rosh’s band?

A:I think that he said that because Joel had a fancy house and a family there so that he wouldn’t want to leave his good life to come to live on the mountain.

3)Do you think the Jewish lost their pride if they were civil to the Roman soldiers?

A:I don’t think that they would lose their pride if they were civil to the Romans because then , they would get  to brag about fighting the Romans.

4)Why do you think Malthace shrank back from Daniel? What does her response reveal about her character?

A:I think that she shrank back because she knew that Daniel was part of the robbers and that he killed people, It reveals that she is a cautious person.

5)Did Hezron and Daniel react angrily to Joel’s suggestion for the same reason?

A:They actually did, they were talking about the Roman gymnasium.

6) Did Daniel view Romans collectively or as individuals? Was his judgement fair?

A: He viewed them as collectively, there were a lot of them.



The Bronze Bow Chapter 4 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Simon want Daniel to go to the synagogue?

A:He wanted him to  go because there was  someone talking there.

2)How did Daniel explain his sister’s strange behavior?

A:He said that she is possessed by demons.

3)What did Daniel hope Jesus would say?

A:He hoped that he was going to talk about taking out the Romans.

4)Why had the people in Nazareth tried to kill Jesus?

A:They tried to kill him because they say he blasphemed.

5)What happened as Daniel returned home?

A: He yelled at the Roman soldiers and he was warned not to say anything else or they would come after him, just like his dad.

6)In Daniel’s eyes how did Jesus and Rosh compare?

A: I think that Daniel saw Jesus’s glowing  face and he saw Rosh in his face.

Thought Questions:

1)Do you think Leah has Physical or mental problems? Are there problems science can’t explain?

A: I think that Leah is lost and scared because she lost her mom, dad and her brother ran away, so she only has her grandmother who is very old and her goat that she loves, so I think that she’s just lost and doesn’t know what to do.

2)What is a “Zealot”? Do you think Jesus was a Zealot?

A:A Zealot is a person that is only for one side of a war and that tells other people to go on that side, Jesus was not a Zealot, because he loved everyone and always forgave people.

3)Answer Daniel’s question- where does the call of Jesus lead?

A:It leads everywhere and anywhere it leads to safety and danger.

4)Why do you think Daniel left the village?

A:I think that Daniel left the village because he wanted to get away from his strange sister and to get away from the guy he worked for.

The Bronze Bow Chapter 3 Questions

Review Questions:

1)What made it difficult  for Daniel to look after Samson?

A:It was hard because Samson can’t talk the language that David Speaks

2)Why did Daniel resent Samson?

A:He Resented him because he just followed David around.

3)Who came looking for Daniel? What news did he bring?

A:Simon came and asked if he would want to come back to the village because his master had died.

4)Why didn’t Simon want to join Rosh?

A:He didn’t want to join him because although he wanted to defeat the Romans he had different ideas than Rosh.

5) Why did the two men need to bathe before entering the village?

A:They had to because when they would arrive in the village too late and it would be sabbath and he wouldn’t be able to bathe then.

6) What was the matter with Daniel’s sister?

A:She was scared of Daniel.

7) What was the “pauper’s share”?

A:It’s when people go through the field after the pickers go through and get the scrapes.

8) Where did Daniel’s grandmother work? What did she do?

A: She worked in the field and gathered food

Thought Questions:

1) Is it reasonable to disagree with someone’s method’s  if you have the same goal?

A:I think that two people can have the same goal, but different ways to do it.

2)Is it ever shameful to be poor? If so, when?

A:I think that sometimes it would be if you’re around a bunch of people that are rich.

3)Why do you think Daniel felt threaten by Leah?

A:I think that he felt that way because she really wasn’t welcoming and didn’t listen to him.

4)How did Daniel’s Character change to make him no longer safe in the village?

A:He missed the good food and the people.

Bronze Bow Chapter 2 Questions

Review Questions:

1)Why did Rosh need Daniel?

A:He needed Daniel because they were going to kidnap a slave

2)How did Daniel convince Joel to leave? What did Joel do instead?

A:He said that it was too dangerous for him there, Instead of leaving he made his sister hid and he went and helped Daniel.

3)What was Daniel’s role in the plan?

A:He had to steal the sward from the Guard and make sure that he never moved.

4)What happened to Joel when he tried to help?

A:He got hurt

5)How did Joel respond to Rosh’s threats?

A:He said that he just wanted to come and meet him, and that he also wanted to work for Rosh.

6)Who took charge of the slave?

A:David did

7) What did Samson do once he was free?

A:He thanked Daniel through his actions since he couldn’t talk their language

Thought Questions:

1)If you were enslaved, does it matter who your master is? Why or Why not? Was Samson truly free once Daniel removed his chains?

A:I think that it does because some masters are nice and others aren’t,  Yes and No, Yes because he didn’t have chains on him anymore, but no because he really isn’t free.

2)Why do you think it mattered to Rosh that Samson slept free?

A:So that  it wouldn’t be like he had to stay there if he didn’t want to and so that they wouldn’t act like he was their slave.

3)Is it possible to get satisfaction from the life driven by violence? What would be missing from that kind of lifestyle?

A:I personally don’t think that you can have satisfaction, but then again, I’m not them, so they might  be satisfied with themselves.

The Bronze Bow Chapter 1 Questions

Review Questions:

1) What marked Daniel as a Galilean?                                 Bronze Bow web

A: He has dark skin and eyes

2) Who was Daniel waiting for? Why?

A:He was waiting to talk to a person that he used to know when he lived in the village

3)What message did Daniel want to send? Who did he want to send it to?

A:He wanted to send a message to one of the people that he used to work with just to see how he was

4)What did Joel and Thacia do before they ate? Why did it surprise Daniel?

A:They washed their hands, It surprised him because he hadn’t done it in five years, so he kind of forgot about it

5) Why had Daniel join the robbers?

A:He joined them because the leader of the robbers helped him into their  cave because he was half frozen

6)Why didn’t Joel want to move to Capernaum?

A:He didn’t want to move because he wanted to be one of the first ones to see the Messiah

7) How did Daniel view the Roman presence?

A:He hated them, because they killed his dad

8)Who was Rosh?

A:Rosh is the leader of the robbers, he is also the one that helped Daniel get to the cave

Thought Questions:

1) If you were away from home for  five years, would  you forget your old life? Is there a difference between moving on with your life and trying to escape your past?

A:I think that I might forget a little bit of it, but I think that I would remember most of it, I think that there is a difference between running away and moving on… running away is trying to get away from it and moving on is remembering it but not trying to escape it

2)What gives a slave or a bound person the right to run away?

A: I think that they kind of do, if the slave was treated badly then they might have a little right, but other than that I don’t think so

3)Is freedom a natural right?

A:I think that it is, because people should be able to do whatever they want to with their lives.

4)What causes your conscience to become dull or silent? Can you ever permanently quiet your conscience?

A:When your not worrying about what you’re doing, I don’t think that you can but I do think that you can shut it out sometimes