June 4, 2017

Last Newsletter

I can hardly believe the last week of school is here!  The last few weeks have been busy and we will continue to stay busy this week.  I want to intentionally slow down a little to enjoy these last few days with these special kids.  Thank you for sharing them with me this year!  Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement!  It has been a fantastic year!

PBL-Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our PBL presentations friday.  The kids were so excited to share what they have learned and created.  Thank you, Kaylin, for the cookies for the kids.  They loved them 🙂  This summer, I would encourage you to keep feeding your child’s curiosity by researching different animals or other things they would like to learn about.  I found a good selection of informational books at the Howard Miller Library, but an even larger selection at the North branch of Herrick Library.  Try visiting a few different libraries this summer.  Many of different events going on during the week.

Farmer’s Market Field Trip-It was such a nice day for the field trip!  Thank you, again, to all of the drivers/chaperones!  The field trip is not possible with out you.  The kids loved exploring the Farmer’s Market and making their purchases.  It is always interesting to see the variety of choices.  We also enjoyed playing at Kollen Park.

Math-We are going to continue exploring 3-dimensional shapes, reviewing addition and subtraction as well as story problems.

Writing-We are going to be writing a few reflections about our year in Kindergarten.  I have seen so much growth in your children’s writing.  I can’t wait to read these!

Daily 5-We’ll be making the most of our last few rounds this week.  I want to focus on our reading strategies.  Remember-you are able to sign up to have access to our leveled library here at school for just $25 all summer long.

Phonics-We will sort different word families each day this week.  This has been a great confidence builder for so many of our students!

Thursday and Friday I will be sending quiet a few things home with your child.  Please keep checking your child’s backpacks for papers and special creations 🙂

This week we will have our last day of art on Monday.

We have switched Music times this week, so we will have our last music class on Tuesday.

You may have noticed gym shoes coming home Friday.  We had our last GYM class friday.

Wednesday there is chapel at 1pm.

Thursday is the last day!  There is no hot lunch or PM bussing.