August 28, 2022

first week


I have received almost all of the decorated donuts and family pictures. Thank you! If you haven’t had a chance to get yours ready, please try to finish up this week.

Some children needed socks when we changing into gym shoes Friday. Please check your child’s backpack to see if he/she needs a pair. Thanks!

Please send in washed towels in a reuse bag. I try to send quiet time towels home on Fridays to be washed. Students staying full days will need to use them on Monday. Thank you!

You may see a sneak peak at our week here.

What We Are Doing In Kindergarten:

This week we met our class! Some children knew each other from preschool or young 5’s and other friendships outside our school. It is amazing to see how God places these children together in one room and how quickly they become friends. We have been using circle times to sit around the edge of the carpet and share something. This week we learned about favorite color and sport.

During the first few weeks of school a lot of time is spent on routines. We have to learn what to do when we get to school (hang up back packs, put name tags on, move lunch name). Students should arrive between 8:25-8:40. Please remind your child that he/she may go outside once backpacks are hung up and name tags are on. I have two morning meetings and two before school duties on the back side of school so I may not always be in the classroom. Thank you for reminding your child of this routine.

We have read a few books this week that have helped us learn more about school and our tools that we use.

We have begun reviewing the alphabet. This week we focused on letter a. We are reviewing the sounds letters make and look for the letter in writing. We will continue reviewing the whole alphabet before moving on to word wall words and reading. We are building strong foundations for our year of learning.

We enjoyed one of the best parts of kindergarten-play! This is a time where children learn social skills like compromise, planning and negotiation. They are able to be creative and explore. It is a fun-filled time of learning!