June 5, 2021

For the last day we had a donut theme. 🍩 Miss Amy stood outside our classroom window and took photos for me. I’ll share all the photos so you can see your child and his/her classmates faces. Personalities came out when we brought out the donut pool float.
Along with decorating a party hat with donut stickers and coloring donuts, I read the book “The Jelly Donut Difference.” It is a sweet story about twins that discover  how simple acts of kindness can make a big difference in a person’s life.
We also wrapped up the year by passing the baton. Please ask your child about this experience. Throughout the week I would pull out a baton and pray over the child. The class would also raise hands as we prayed. My favorite part is that after a few batons were passed out, classmates began to speak up and add the gifts they saw in their friends. đź’—

It has been my privilege to teach your children this year. They have grown in every way and you can be so proud of  them.