November 16, 2018

Week of Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 20: please bring your child’s favorite fruit. We will combine all of our fruit for a friendship salad snack to celebrate thanksgiving. The quantity should be enough for everyone to have a taste. For example, if your child loves strawberries, please send in 23 strawberry slices/bite sized berries. Thanks!

We also have our Thanksgiving chapel at 9am on Tuesday. You are welcome to attend.

Book Orders due Tuesday! I wanted a short turn around for this book order to ensure the arrival of books in time for Christmas. I read that parents can pick at free $5 book with a $25 online order. If you give books for Christmas, this is a good deal on scholastics already reasonable prices. You may go to to order. Our class code is LJ4K7 Paper orders can be submitted to me by Tuesday and checks can be made out to Scholastic Book Club.

School wide Thanksgiving Donations: We will be supporting Parkview Home and Harvest Stand Ministries this Thanksgiving season.  Household items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, shampoo, toilet paper, paper plates and cleaning supplies may be dropped off in the hallway during the next week.

Wednesday-Friday: Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 25: Please send in a shoe box and 6 toilet paper tubes.

Tuesday, November 26: All students are now full day on Tuesdays! I am excited for this 🙂 If you would like to add any other afternoons, please email me next week.

Bible: We read the story of Joseph this week. Before reading, we talked about how we can learn from the Bible. Sometimes we read things that God tells us we should do. Other times we read and see mistakes people have made and we can learn from the. While reading about Joseph, we realized it was not kind for Jacob to have a favorite son. Joseph’s brothers had anger and jealousy that caused them to make poor choices. There were bad things that happened to Joseph! Through it all, we could remind each other that God still loved Joseph, God was still with Joseph and God had a bigger plan than what we could see.

Daily 5: This week the class started using check sheets and choosing which Daily 5 choices they would make for the day. As they choose, each student highlights the selection on his/her sheet. This allows student to make personal choice in selections, but it also ensures that each student is trying each activity every week.

Phonics: We are working on stretching out words and listening for letters sounds.

Writing: We are writing lists! The class knew the importance of lists from shopping at home 🙂

Handwriting: We learned how to form Z and reviewed other capitol letters.

Engaging God’s World: We are learning about the earth this unit! We played a game with an inflatable globe to test if the earth has more water or land. We tossed the globe to friends and looked where are pointer finger landed and counted how many times we landed on water and how many times we landed on land. Can you guess which won?


November 9, 2018

Week of November 11

Upcoming Events and Reminders:

November 20: School chapel at 9am

November 21-23: Thanksgiving Break!

In December we will begin our nativity project. Please bring in a shoe box with your child’s name on it and at least 6 toilet paper tubes inside of it by Friday, November 30. I will be sending a sign up genius out soon for help in class making the characters.

You may also start hearing about the Jingle Jog. This is a fun jog Mrs. Miller has her Gym classes do each year. We will have a certain day and time that are class will jog around the gym and down the halls. Families are welcome to cheer kids on. I do not know our day and time yet. Watch for more details. This fun event is to raise money for our sister school in the Philippines.

If you are able to send in a pack of bandages, our band aid supply is almost gone. Thank you!

This week in Kindergarten…

Daily 5-we rotated between Read to Self, Listen to Reading, Read to Someone, Work with Teacher and Word Work. Groups that worked with me read books and also sorted pictures by their beginning sound. We continue to focus on learning letters and sounds and applying them to our reading. This is a great start!

Math-We continue to work on writing numbers and adding up to 5.

Interactive Read Aloud-We read the book, “Blueberries for Sal” and focused on predicting. At the end of the book I told the class I bought them something to eat from Mejier and asked them to predict what it would be. They guessed it-blueberries! Everyone tried a berry 🙂

Phonics-We stretched words to listen for letters sounds and read a few books focusing on one letter.

Handwriting-We practiced writing X and Y the school way.

Word Wall-we added go to our wall. (a, at, go, I, look, see, the)

My Book of Friends-We continue to make pages for each friend. It is fun to see their drawing improve since we began our book pages weeks ago.

Up In Lights-Boaz was our friend Up In Lights this week! It is so fun to celebrate how God created each one of his children.


November 4, 2018

Week of November 5


November 8: Picture Retake Day

November 8: NO PM Busing

November 9: NO AM or PM Busing

Please continue to check your children for lice daily. We have NOT found it in our classroom, but I would love to stay on top of this! Thanks! Along with checking your child’s head, you can also put coats and hats in the dryer for 30 minutes every day after school. This would kill any lice on those items. We are doing our best to prevent it from coming into our room.

It was a full week of school with fun events after school and Grandparents day on Friday. What a blessing to see generations together. I enjoyed talking with many of your parents and am truly thankful for their prayer support.

Here are some photos from the week. I am still working on sharing the fun photo booth pictures from Grandparents Day. Those will be sent out soon!



Academic highlights:

Bible: We continue to read stories from the Old Testament and learn how God’s plan continues even when we make mistakes. God’s love and forgiveness continues to be a theme in stories of Isaac and Rebekah and Jacob and Esau. The class is doing very well with our memory verse!

“As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

Math: We wrapped up Unit 1 with our first test. I was able to share those during parent teacher conferences. The class did great! We continue to build our number sense with addition and some subtraction as well as continuing to work on writing numbers the school way.

Writing: The class is working hard on labeling.

Daily 5: We have all pieces of our framework up and running including Work with Teacher. I love working with small groups of students and watching the rest of the class working the whole time independently Reading to Self, Reading to Someone, Listening to Reading, Working on Writing and Word Work. Your child will begin bringing home books or letter activities in the next few weeks.

Phonics: We continue to listen for letters sounds and using syllables to listen to chunks of words.

Handwriting: We have practiced V and W.

Word Wall: We added at to our word wall. Please continue to review these at home. The class has been retaining these words very well. We want to keep this up as we continue to add more words.