October 27, 2023

week ending with Grand friends ❤️


  • Please send in clean towels/blankets in on Monday (we are trying to keep stuffed animals at home and only bring those on special days. Thank you for understanding!)
  • Tuesday, October 31 Field Trip! You are welcome to meet us at Hemlock Crossing for a nature walk/scavenger hunt. We’ll form smaller groups and then meet at 10:50 for a snack and worship. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. I think it is looking much colder than this week! We will arrive back at school around 11:45/11:50.

This week in kindergarten…

We had our first friend UP IN LIGHTS! Adelyn-we praise God for the girl you are! We learned about some your favorite things-including a special talking unicorn and Grandpa and Grandma’s house. 🙂 We loved reading your papers and having your mom read to us!

We learned how to put on Oiki suits!


We love Grandparents and Grandfriends!

We could feel and see all of the love throughout the building Friday! It is always a special day to see you children and their special grands.

October 13, 2023

week ending October 13

Thank you! You and your children helped me feel so special on my birthday. Lots of kindergarten hugs and happy bithdays 🙂


Please wash quiet time towels this weekend and send them back to school Monday. Thank you!

If a green name tag is accidentally brought home, please send it back to school. Thank you!

 Important Dates

  • October 16 at 10:10 am: Body safe presentation for our kindergarten class

What We Have Been Learning:

Bible: We read about the tower of Babel. We learned about doing things for God and not for ourselves.

Daily 5: We were able to work in small groups while some students were independently reading to self or working on writing.

Writing: We continue to work on labeling our sketches.

Phonemic Awareness: something new added this week-listening for a word segmented and figuring out what it is. For example, I would say “be  d” and the kids would figure out the word was bed.

Phonics: We focused a lot on rhyming this week. We understand that rhyming words have the same middle and ending sounds.

We have enjoyed learning new praise songs.


October 6, 2023

week ending October 6


Please wash quiet time towels this weekend and send them back to school Monday. Thank you!

If a green name tag is accidentally brought home, please send it back to school. Thank you!

 Important Dates

What We Have Been Learning:

Bible: We read about Noah and his obedience. We learned about God keeping his promises. We are working on our Bible verse:

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. Genesis 8:22

Phonics: We learned that words can form sentences. The students dictated sentences and I wrote them out. The next day, each child received a sentence strip of their sentence. We cut the sentence apart to focus on each word and then put the sentence together again. There were many pieces to this work and I was so proud of the class’ understanding of words and sentences.

Math: We focused on comparing groups with in 10 and answering the question :how many?

Daily 5: We are working with teacher, reading to self and starting to work on writing (sketching stories)

Writing Workshop: We have worked on sketching true stories that have a beginning, middle and end. These can be really short stories. I am impressed how quickly the class is coming up with ideas on what to sketch. We are just learning to label our pictures.

First we labeled Mrs. Bronsink

Then we labeled things in our classroom.

Phonemic Awareness: We play around with words adding and taking away parts of words. We used our classroom friends to help us. Meet “tall” and “est”. If I take away “est” what are we left with? Tall!

Reviewing Parts of an insect during outdoor learning and building our own insect with items from outside.

We continue to work on social emotional learning as well. We are using our second step curriculum to learn about empathy. We are focusing on looking at a person’s face and body to help us learn how the person is feeling.