December 16, 2022

week ending December 16

Note from the Nurse–When To Stay Home from School:

  • A fever of 100 degrees or higher. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine before returning to school.
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, free of vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • A child that seems ill – unusually tired, pale, difficult to wake, headache, body ache, confused or irritable, and/or lack of normal appetite.


January 3 is our first day back from break. Please remember extra clothes should be kept in backpacks. We may need snow gear in a separate bag and a towel for quiet time in a re-use bag. Thank you!

Our Week:

Monday we enjoyed running the jingle jog! It was tough, but these kids ran so well.

We found items in stockings and wrote a list.

Tuesday we enjoyed working on our nativity box. This has been so fun to create.

Wednesday we enjoyed chapel. The fourth graders led and did an amazing job reminding us of the true reason for Christmas.

We also made sight-words magically appear. 🙂

Thursday we had so much fun doing activities in pajamas and with our stuffies.

Friday we had our Christmas Party! Thank you Krista and Dana for leading the plan and Kailey, Kylie and Lindsay for helping out. The kids had such a fun time crafting, playing and creating.


It was such a fun week!





December 8, 2022

week ending December 9


Monday, December 12: Jingle Jog Our class will jog from 9-9:30. Your children should wear comfortable clothes (short sleeve recommended). They are encouraged to wear red and green and are able to have fun accessories (light necklace, jingle bells, etc). Families are welcome to cheer us on in the gym and even run a little 🙂 Mrs. Miller will send home information regarding the fundraising for Philippines.

Thursday: CLASS PAJAMA DAY! This is not for the whole school, but for our class and maybe a few other kindergarten classes. Your child may dress in comfy clothes or pajamas! He/she can bring a stuffed animal (not larger than their arm) that day as well.

Friday, December 16: Christmas Party 10:45-11:45.

December 17-January 2 Christmas Break

What We Have Been Learning:

Math: We explored shapes this week. We worked specifically with triangles and rectangles (and a special rectangle called a square). We sorted shapes, built shapes and even played a tricky shape game. At home you can describe a shape and have your child draw what you are describing. Take turn drawing and describing. It is harder than it would seem. It has been fun to get to know this new math curriculum and see your children work and play with math in new ways!

Phonics: We listened for beginning sounds and worked really hard writing the letters.

Writing: We are working on lists. Today we wrote a list of school items. We worked through sounding out each work and writing it down. Your child is very interested in lists and can help make lists at home.

Daily 5: We continue to work hard on reading and building words. One challenge this week is to cover up the pictures in our books and focus on the letters and read the words. It is a great challenge!

Bible: We are so excited to read a new book each day as we build our nativity. This week we focused on angels-special messengers from God, Mary and Joseph-chosen by God to raise his son and shepherds-ready to spread the good news of Jesus’ birth!

We have also been listening to an advent devotional. Last week we learned about Hope. This week we talked about love. Friday your children will hear about joy.

Up In Lights: It has been so much fun to learn more about our friend Stryker this week. He loves Pokemon and if you ask him. almost everything! Full of joy and laughter, Stryker is a good friend to all. We loved listening to his Grandma read “Mortimer’s Christmas Manger.” It is one of my favorite Christmas books.

December 3, 2022

Week Ending December 2


Thank you for signing up for the December project donations. Please start turning any craft items in Monday. Please make sure your child has also brought in a shoe box and six toilet paper tubes. Thank you!

Monday, December 12: Jingle Jog Our class will jog from 9-9:30. Your children should wear comfortable clothes (short sleeve recommended). They are encouraged to wear red and green and are able to have fun accessories (light necklace, jingle bells, etc). Families are welcome to cheer us on in the gym and even run a little 🙂 Mrs. Miller will send home information regarding the fundraising for Philippines.

Friday, December 16: Christmas Party 10:45-11:45.

December 17-January 2 Christmas Break

What We Have Been Learning:

Engaging God’s World: We are noticing the weather outside. We recognize that we wear different clothes for different weather.

Math: We have started our unit on shapes. We are comparing and sorting different shapes and looking for shapes around our classroom.

Writing: We continue to review labeling our stories and are moving on towards learning to write lists. Right now we are sketching a picture and writing the first letter sound of the word we are writing.

Daily 5: We were very excited to add some Christmas books to our book boxes. I love to see the kids excited about books!

This week we celebrated Hadlee Up In Lights. She loves to be creative and loves her dogs. They were able to visit us outside one day. It was a highlight! Hadlee’s grandparents came to visit us at school and read some books that they used to read Hadlee’s dad. It was so fun to see the kids enjoy these books.