March 6, 2020

week ending March 6

Upcoming dates and reminders…

Monday-Please turn in library books and book bags

Wednesday, March 11: Wear a HAT to celebrate with the book Cat and the Hat

Thursday, March 12: Mrs. Bronsink will be out of the building. Mrs. Guerink will be subbing. She worked in our classroom a few days this fall.

Tuesday, March 17: Wear GREEN to celebrate with the book Green Eggs and Ham

*Reminder that K & 1st grade will not be participating in the elementary program

Thursday, March 26-Field Trip to Visser Farms 10:30-11:30. Drivers plan on arriving at school at 10. *Dress for any weather as we will be walking to different buildings on the farm. Boots are preferred if there is any snow or wet ground.

Friday, March 27: Wear PAJAMAS to celebrate with the book The Sleep Book

April 3-10 Spring Break

April 17 ZCS Auction

Looking ahead to summer…

Spanish Summer Camp – Signup is open! Please help us to spread the word for our Spanish Summer Camp. Family, relatives and neighbors are welcome to come to be immersed in awesome games, familiar stories, new songs, and exciting crafts that are all taught COMPLETELY in the Spanish language.

This link will take you directly to the Registration website for our summer Expand(ED) camps. There are other fun summer camps through ZCS! 🙂

This week in Kindergarten…

We wrapped up our Bible unit studying miracles by reading how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. This was an amazing miracle! I want to point out that there are miracles we can witness every day. Take time to stand in awe of the miracle of God’s creation…perhaps a sunrise or sunset. Talk through these with your children and celebrate the power of our God! 🙂

We continue to practice our Bible verse:

The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf here, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. Luke 7:22

In Math we are working hard on writing numbers. Remember that is is common to see children at the age write numbers and letters backwards, but it is okay at this point to kindly point it out and have him/her try again. We are working on counting by 10s and 5s. This is helpful when we work with tallies and quick counting. We continue to practice teen numbers and understanding they are 10 plus a few more.

In Phonics we continue to work on word families and recognize the ending pattern in those words. We also review vowel sounds and initial sounds.

Daily 5: We are reviewing expectations and this week I could hear the sound of a good working buzz in the classroom. This showed me that everyone was on task, in one place and working on becoming better readers and writers.

Writing Workshop: We continue writing how to instructions. This week we continued with picture prompts that show the students three steps in how to bake a cake and how to plant a flower. The students are thinking of the sentences and writing them out on their own. In writing, I want the student to write the sounds they hear. We are working on spaces between words and writing in lower case.

We enjoyed reading Fox in Socks when we had our silly socks on Wednesday!